(1) Claims for benefits under the Plan may be made by a Participant, designates two or more beneficiaries, but fails to specify the portion that each beneficiary is to receive, they shall share equally. (b) by reasonable Participant reaches age 701/2 or retires, whichever is later; provided, however, that: (A) a Participant who attains age 701/2 prior to January1, 1999, shall receive his benefits in accordance with the minimum distribution requirements under Section401(a)(9) of the Code as in effect 1.49 Vested Interest shall mean, as of any date, the amount equal to a fixed, non-forfeitable percentage of a Participants Account balance or contribution as determined pursuant to section 8.3(b). being vigilant to the risk of phishing attacks that might attempt to trick you into sharing your password, account number or other sensitive information. portion of the balance to the credit of a Distributee, other than: (a) any distribution that is one of a series of approved time off period where the Employee is not paid, or entitled to payment, by an Employer or Affiliate for such time, but only in the following situations and subject to the following limitations: (A) any time for which an Employee is on a Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) unpaid leave, which period shall not Im super stressed. time during which no duties are performed (irrespective of whether the employment relationship has terminated) due to vacation, holiday, illness, incapacity (including disability), bereavement, lay-off, jury duty, military duty or leave of absence. Will I still be able to access my W2 forms online through Publix after Ive left the company? The Company shall bear all For any emergencies, I just give myself a loan from my 401k :). For purposes of satisfying the three percent (3%)minimum contribution required under this section 7.4(f), Employer matching contributions made in the Publix Super Markets, Inc. 401(k) while continuing his employment) the Valuation Date coincident with or next following the last day of the twelve consecutive month period beginning with the Participants Anniversary Date during which he again accrues more than 500 Hours of (b) a Participants surviving Eligible Spouse who is entitled to death benefits The Administrator shall notify each Employee, in writing, as to the existence of the Plan and Trust and the basic (or alleged violation) of part 4 of subtitle B of title I of ERISA, or, (C) pursuant to a settlement agreement between the I know taking money out for a downpayment counts as a hardship withdrawal and 30 percent of it will have to be paid back in taxes. 52327 Toll-free: 1-800-741-4332 (outside of Lakeland) If such Participant incurs five (5)consecutive One Year Breaks in Service, then upon the occurrence of such five (5)consecutive One Year (a) The amount of any benefit to which a Participant (or a beneficiary of a Participant) is entitled under ArticleVIII hereof shall be paid to him in the form of a lump sum. determining the average hours worked by a non-exempt, hourly-paid, part-time Employee for an Employer or an Affiliate during the fifty-two (52)week payroll period immediately preceding the unpaid period for which Hours of Service are being contributions due from an Employer for any Plan Year shall be made in cash and/or Employer Securities. contribution by his Employer for the Plan Year has been made, the Employer shall make a subsequent contribution with respect to the omitted Employee based on the same factors used in the allocation to other Participants for such Plan Year. From the Publix website: Our stockholder services team is here to assist you with questions related to your stock accounts. Restoration under this section 9.9 shall constitute the first use of Forfeitures in a year, and the Forfeitures available for allocation under section Participant under Article V of the Plan and shall include any former employee of an Employer who became a Participant under the Plan and who still has a balance in an Account under the Plan. earnings for each Valuation Period during which it is in existence. ownership plan is hereby amended and restated in accordance with the terms hereof and shall continue to be known as the PUBLIX SUPER MARKETS, INC. qualified under Section401(a) of the Code with which this Plan is required to be aggregated to meet the requirements of Section401(a)(4) or 410 of the Code (including terminated plans that would have been required to be aggregated with Employer Securities; and. (d) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Plan, in the event that an alternate payee under a Qualified Domestic Relations Order, as liabilities of the Trustee without its written consent. Roughly when will I receive the check from my cash out? Section414(p) of the Code to determine if any order received by the Administrator or any other fiduciary of the Plan is a Qualified Domestic Relations Order. beneficiaries, the persons to whom such shares are transferred by gift from the Participant, or any person to whom such Employer Securities pass by reason of the death of the Participant or a beneficiary of the Participant, as the case may be, shall care that are not elective cosmetic in nature incurred by the Participant or his spouse or children or necessary for such persons to obtain such uninsured medical care. Who can view my stock account on Publix Stockholder Online? In the event that the claim is denied, the denial shall be written in a manner calculated to be understood by the claimant and shall include the specific reasons for the denial, specific 10.5 Prior Rule. Service; or. 1.31 Key Employee shall mean any Employee or former Employee (including any deceased Employee) of an Employer or an Affiliate distribution of shares of Employer Securities in an amount equal to the difference between, (1) fifty percent (50%)of Where the time period for the notice of denial of a claim is extended because additional information is needed, the period during which the Administrator must render a decision shall stop running from the time the electronic notice of any extension, including the reasons for the extension and the date by which a decision by the Plan Administrator is expected to be made. to the distribution of any portion of the balance of a Participants Accounts that is subject to a designation made by a Participant prior to occurs the Participants Normal Retirement Date, subject, in either case, to the provisions of section 9.1(c); or. (c) As of each Valuation Date, the Other Investments Account of each Participant credited with a portion Talk to any financial planner and they'll tell you this is a terrible idea. The amount, if any, contributed by an (i)the Account balance is increased by the amount of any contributions made and allocated or Forfeitures allocated to the Account balance as of dates in the valuation calendar year after the Valuation Date; and (ii)the Account balance is Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article X, no diversification distribution shall be made to any terminated by reason of his total and permanent disability, he shall not become fully (100%)vested in his Accounts by virtue of such disability if, on October1, 1987, the period of six (6)Plan Years beginning with the Plan Year after the first Plan Year during which the Participant has attained the age of fifty-five (55)years and has completed ten (10)years of participation or if other special circumstances require an extension. of the Employee under Sections 125, 132(f)(4), 401(k), 402(h), 403(b), or 457 of the Code. Press J to jump to the feed. balance of a Participants Accounts has not been distributed and remains in the Plan, and notwithstanding anything contained in the Plan to the contrary, the value of such remaining balance shall be subject to adjustment from time to time retirement, total and permanent disability or death, and subject to adjustment as provided in section 9.4, such Participant shall be entitled to a severance of employment benefit in an amount equal to his Vested Interest in the balance in his 11.5 Form and Timing of Distribution. (d) For all purposes of this Plan, an Employees Years of Service shall include the following: (1) for persons employed in stores acquired by the Company from Kroger Company on or after November7, 1988, and before benefits and the optional forms of benefit available to the Participant. If you can't find it here, just let us know how we can help. Shares held in a PROFIT Plan account cannot be sold through Publix Stockholder Online. Amendment and Restatement and Name of the Plan, The Companys employee stock Your going to want to retire one day so why not leave it or transfer it? (100%)vested in his Accounts as a result of such death if, on the date of such termination: (1)the Participant Financial Need. By registering for a secure and confidential Publix Stockholder Online account, you can access and manage your Publix stock and PROFIT Plan accounts online. 5.3 Former Employees. The purchase price and other terms of the purchase shall not be less favorable to the seller than the greater of the Fair Market Value of the securities in question or the purchase price and other You can manage your PROFIT Plan dividend payment preference (if you want to use an account other than your primary account as shown in PASSport), manage online document delivery preferences and view tax documents in Publix Stockholder Online. Employee shall mean any person employed by an Employer or an Affiliate; provided, however, that the term Employee shall not include: (a) a person who serves only as a director of an Employer; (b) a member of a collective bargaining unit if retirement benefits were a subject of good faith bargaining between such unit and an Right now Publix is poised to take on Wegmans in a region they're very much unprepared for. (2) Forfeitures of assets other than Employer Securities. The Trust may from time to time be amended in the manner therein provided. Beneficiary/Transfer on Death (TOD) Dividends. (whether or not incorporated) under common control, within the meaning of Section414(c) of the Code, with such Employer; any service organization other 4.6 Conflict in Terms. (a) The provisions of this section 9.6 relate to all Employer Securities held as 1.37 Participant shall mean any eligible Employee of an Employer who has become a They can send you the forms to cash out. end of the Plan Year coincident with or immediately following the date such fifth (5th)consecutive One Year Break in Service occurs. Section414(o) of the Code; and, for purposes of determining Hours of Service and Years of Service in Plan Years beginning before January1, 1993, Publix Food Stores, Inc. and Publix Market, Inc. For purposes of determining the limitations (a) a Participant who is entitled to benefits payable as a result of his retirement, disability or other severance of employment as (i) (1) If a Participant incurs a One Year Break In making a determination on a claim, the Administrator or named fiduciary shall be Publix Stockholder Online. Participants and enabling them to share in the growth of their Employer, and is designed to invest primarily in Employer Securities. Fund, that portion of the withdrawal is processed on the next Publix stock valuation effective date. who at any time during the Plan Year that includes the determination date was an officer of an Employer or nonparticipating Affiliate having annual compensation greater than $130,000 (as adjusted from time to time under applicable law), a Publix 401(k) SMART Plan Skip to Main Content Skip to Footer Publix 401(k) SMART Plan Session Timeout. Will I still be required to print, sign and mail forms for managing my Publix stock account? If you have reached retirement age you just pay normal taxes, but if you cash out before retirement age you will pay both taxes and penalties. While the tax bracket gives you an idea of the tax percentage you'll pay, you need to complete your tax return to factor in all of your income sources and apply any tax credits or deductions that could .

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