I think I've learned about wild animals. ". No government of any developed country wants to see children in poverty - male or female. Most men are not violent. Follow Us: One advantage of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is its perceptive insight into human nature, a disadvantage is that the hierarchy fails to account for cultural or social differences between individuals. Don't put different words in my mouth now. The most successful policians are those who can play the political of a war of words and again this doesn't equip them to be very good rulers of people. Motherhood is a damn proud thing for every living creature on this earth, not every mother protects her offspring in the same way and not every male protects and defends, or is even there for his. According to you, when the Spartan woman told her husband, "come back with your shield or on it", she bore no responsibility for the deaths he caused. Yes, patriarchy do use women's maternal instincts against them, suggesting that her nurturing instinct make women too 'weak' and emotional to make sensible decisions. However, there have always been cultures where women were in charge of things; they dominated families and society and were at the core of everything. Or will you 'forget' it and misquote me in a few days time anyway? Now, I can understand why feminist think that. We say, "She was confused and troubled", or "her circumstances were very hard", or "she was a good mother, but society failed her, she just slipped through the cracks". The two systems have a major difference in their ideas about nature. However, cancer stops this process. If we look at female politicians today, they are given a hard time if they want to get into any position of power You cannot dismiss childbirth as being totally unimportant. ". It is good for making a plan and executing it. It makes me realise just how brainwashed the population has been by patrairchal properganda. It enhanced cooperation and lowered risk as small, isolated bands of humans spread into new habitats and regions across the world, and was likely crucial to our survival and success. Research and Development. It gives glossy and attractive appearances to the building, making it a very useful material for aesthetic purposes. Before we had democracy, it would have been impossible for women to rule any country, because men ruled through violence and intimidation, and women would find it hard to compete with men in a world of violence, It is true we have had, in the past, Queens like Elizabeth 1 of England and Catherine the Great of Russia, but they had to still rule governments, dominated by men with male values. Day-to-day incidents and instances can be brought to notice. "Things can only change when we have matriarchal political parties where women are free to be themselves and not have men tell them how to behave.". Youre forgetting that women are not all one monolith speaking in unison. Matriarchal societies are consciously built upon these maternal values and motherly work, and this is why they are much more realistic than patriarchies. It gives prominence to women as compared to their male counterparts. You are no better than the most radical feminist, and no better than the most traditional neo-con. Women can indeed invent things. Collectivist nonsense that fails to treat human beings as individuals. But this shouldn't be a problem because the only way a matrairchal government can get into power is through demcratic means. Creating a far more equal and caring society. In his book, The Inevitability of Patriarchy, Steven Goldberg put forward a powerful argument that mens competitive behaviour, will always make men strive harder than most women to gain the high-status roles in any society. Feminism is both an intellectual commitment and a political movement . It is very difficult to blame the violence of our world onto women as well as men, when women commit less than 1% of this violence. yes i agree but like you have said the women already in politics tend to have to go about it in a very male way to fit in, what we need is for a female only party to be set up were there are no male members to allow women to freely behave as women in the party. Are you saying that people are intentionally voting for uncaring politicians? that all are equal before the law), necessarily produces contradictions. All of those societies still had typical division of labor wrt men doing the heavy lifting and big game hunting and women tending children, simply because the alternative was impossible. Men have shown themselves to be total irresponsible rulers of our world, and wont even take responsibility for what they do. William Bond (author) from England on May 19, 2012: Off course the differences between men and women are biological. I just think its time that we gave women a chance of ruling to see how it goes. So what is wrong in making it easier for women to get into power? The oligopoly market will have less competition, but the behavior of the firms can even be highly competitive. Following the argument of my main work, Matriarchy, which is in the process of being published in several consecutive volumes, I briefly want to present my theory of matriarchal society. A falsely filed TRO is instigating violence. Because THAT is how women perpetrate violence in the public sphere. I have one more question: Supposing what you say is true, then could you please describe to us in detail how your matriarchy should look? The point is that as history shows us, we don't want ruthless, aggressive, violent and competitive people rule our world.. More blatant sexism. I am currently 22 years old and never in my life have I ever been in a romantic relationship with a woman, I can only imagine how long it will take for me before I truly find a mate! I certainly wouldn't call the African-American culture a matriarchy. The advantages of patriarchy are that it assigns leadership. They're not of course. No person would want to do that, unless driven by a powerful maternal instinct. In many cultures, and particularly indigenous societies, the . As for the idea of women being as violent as men if given the chance of getting into power. Women did not just sit on their ass and do absolutely nothing while leaving all the inventions and responsibilities to men, I have never in all my early ages of life believed that and I absolutely never will. You insist this is true, whereas it is obvious to me that men and women are very different. Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on December 08, 2015: I was in a pub in London's Stoke Newington which features a gallery of famous people who've lived there. It is also weird that people don't see the total insanity of this. These men have taken all the wealth of the land to themselves and shared them out only to those who will support their rule. I just do not understand how women can dismiss it so lightly. And to tell people that if we want to live in a caring and loving world, then we need nurturing women to rule it. Then only on paper would women rule the world and only as long as men, the actual ones in power, allow it. The only way we can benefit from the nurturing instincts of women is to have exclusive female only political parties. And this is the reason why women lose out, simply because the average women is less aggressive and competitive than the average man. They will not have the same interest in warfare as men, and will certainly will not have the same interest in invading other countries as what patriarchal countries do. Your paternalism is mind boggling. We are suppose to be an intellegent animal. 1. Advantages of Materialism. All the team members can share their ideas and distribute . Related Posts. But men do not have the option of aborting a child they don't want--their only option is to try to walk away.). Women cannot compete against men when they use violence. For instance, a male stag will fight other male stags to have the biggest harem of females he can possibly have. But if you try to make any such claims about other peoples worth and capability people you have never met that is when you're out of you're causing trouble. The two parents have closely related genetics and may capitalize on their superior traits. This is not an easy problem to overcome. Just take a step out of your belief system and look at the world objectively. Is this anecdotal evidence, or actual evidence? It is very true what you say about the differences in the sexes - how males are naturally more aggressive - im not saying all males but in general males are. It can only be done through democractic means. I would certainly agree that men are generally better at science, engineering and mechanic than women, and I dont see any problem with this. This seems to be an overall trend of socio-historical development, which stems from few very basic aspects of human nature. I'm sorry for being late, and miss you Lucy.. Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on April 30, 2014: I note that activist Germaine Greer in her weekly newspaper article said it all just in the headline 'Women are now worse off than 50 years ago!' Women in patriarchal society tend to be subordinate to men, whereas women in matriarchal society may hold power positions. And you want to put women in charge? I worked within the black community for many years. Hi girlwriteswhat, You are obviously ignoring the evidence that men have been ruling the world for the last five thousand years, through force and violence. Historically women are no different or better then men. It is not the so called Western stereoypical and most feared, female supremecist society that many bullshit about; I mean, we don't even know what a true female supremacist society in all its full potential would be like given our so called biological differences. Unfortuantely, we live in a world where justice is not always served and it costs the victim a great deal more to gain justice than what it should, such is the consequence of living a socially corrupt society thats bent more on attaining power, and conquest than on striving to serve the ultimate good. Why would any women want to get pregnant, carry a baby in their belly for nine mouths, go through all the difficulty and pain of childbirth, and then have to look after the child she gave birth until it is an adult? Why is so much money spent on an incredibly destructive military machine and its very dangerous testing? Men seem to be very good at technology or solving mathmatical problems but are totally useless in dealing with people. So any matriarchal country will have to retain its military but the fact is, the more matriarchal countries we have, the less likely we are to have warfare in our world. Can't you see the total insanity of governments spending trillions of dollars inventing and manufacturing weapons in which to kill people? The only way we can have this proof is for women to start ruling countries. I amwell, I'd be insulted if I wasn't so used to it. William Bond (author) from England on August 20, 2011: If people cannot take responsibility for their actions then we we are incapable of making our world a better place. They are just as ruthless and corrupt. Most males or men are leaders, whether in the family or at work. Everyone is accountable for their deeds, no one is ever excused from them perhaps they are legally dismissed unfortunately, but in the end everyone will be forced to face the evil of their deeds, NDE's are proof of that fact. I also wonder how it is that you don't see yourself as ultimately patriarchal. If so, then, in all likelihood, more female power would lead to more male competition, not less. It shows the scope of modern research on matriarchy. Are you saying that any criticism of men is not allowed? And that is the reason why the world is in a mess. Her murder "effectively marked the downfall of Alexandrian intellectual life." More cheap sexism regurgitated from mainstream media you know, the think you call patriarchy. It is said if all men stood up for their rights, who would stop us? Nowadays, we also see similar behaviour in a rugby scrum, or American football scrimmage. "They will not have the same interest in warfare as men, and will certainly will not have the same interest in invading other countries as what patriarchal countries do. But if men are incapable of taking responsiblities for their own actions, then that is another reason why they shouldn't be ruling our world. I not only blame men I blame all of humanity and am pretty damn ashamed to walk this earth as a human being, at least if I was an animal I could leave this earth with a natural respect and dignity in spirit from my Grandmother the Earth, but as a human being I am forced to prove myself worthy of it, which is what I will dedicate my life in doing! His culture is practical, rational, war-like, aggressive, and authoritarian. Previous Post All about Microsoft Access Database you need to know. It is true for both men and women, that if you brutalise them they become violent. This greater interests has been demonstrated by Dr. Simon Baron Cohen to begin as early as the neo-nate stage: newborn boys stare longer at mechanical objects, and newborn girls stare longer at faces. And was all such invention worth it? This goes against the principles laid down by the religious beliefs and practices. Search my user name when you have a revelation that women are actual persons capable of personal agency and sovereignty, and who are fully capable of being held responsible for their own actions. My point?I think women are more risk averse than violence averse. The police come and remove the man from his home and family. We live in a world of fear and hatred which can boil over into warfare at any time. Well just look at those women who have ruled countries and how often they did or didn't go to war. The problem of all governments is the ability to govern all people and discriminating against all men would fail. The researcher collects data at the time were needed. If I exempt your husband from alimony and child support, it will harm the children. When a woman does the same, we do not hold her accountable in the same way. The children get their names from their fathers. you must answer to this video..Mr.Wabond..still u are saying women are not cruel????? We cannot blame any of this onto women because men have excluded women from any positions of power. You are incapable of seeing women as human beings, who are fallible, who make mistakes, who make shitty decisions of their own free will, and who own their own lives and the decisions they make. With DBMS, data can be exchanged between users more effectively, and access to the data can be restricted so that only authorized users are permitted to view it, as opposed to earlier systems when everyone with access to the system could access the data. All I am saying that women have a maternal instinct and men have a competitive instinct. Blatant sexist bigotry. Not like patriarchal governments who compete against the people for wealth and power. The only way we can change this, is to allow women to rule our world instead. In other words, in male competition, there is no equality, and this has been the case in every society ruled by men. And how are boys who grow up in this anti-male atmosphere supposed to develop? Alternatives must be more seriously embraced! They have somehow made democracy work but even this is getting undermined all the time. Afterward, the men proceeded to mutilate her, and finally burn her limbs. When do you people ever tire of bashing men as little more than violent primitive animals best kept in a zoo? Where the whole world lived in fear of a Third World War. We are far more likely to have caring people rule our world, if we have women only matriarchal political parties, who get into power.. I was brought up in the during the cold war when the USSR and USA had enough nuclear weopons deployed on each other that would have wiped out civilization. ". Consumers can benefit from lower prices and better quality goods and services due to the competitiveness of the firms. Who invented the atom bomb? If we look into the pros and cons of each system of governance, many factors need deep thinking. We are the offspring of those who fought for their survival. The only exception would be some Scandiavian political parties where there is enough women in some of them, to have some influence. I know you will advocate that men and women rule together equally. They succeed their mother and the sons. A Matriarch is essentially a strong woman, a good woman who is responsible, reliable, dependable; she is the head of household and is considered the heart, soul, and leader of the family in a heterosexual family unit, regardless if the father is a stay at home dad, or the breadwinner, the mother respectively is always head of household and the blood always flows through her line, and no, its not bullshit, I'm living breathing proof of it! Also I believe a matrairchal government will be more interested in teaching boys to be caring and loving people than any patriarchal government. Besides, women are quite capable of those things too. Matriarchy is not this perfect utopia, but it is a society that is based upon the well-being of all life on earth and is a vision worth striving for even if it brings me great suffering. It depends a lot of the individual man you are talking about, though on the whole I have personally found women to be a lot nicer people than men. It was she who done all the research into DNA, but then one of her male assistants, secretly gave her data, to Crick and Watson who published it before she did. There was no feminism in those days to question and to criticize, and to take the blame for failing to bring about equality! The reason being, is that women are not as competitive as men and will lose out in any very competitive system. The best mothers are known to be Elephants, Alligators, Orangutans, Greater Hornbills, Octopuses, Earwigs, Bears, Polar Bears, Lionesses, and Wolf Spiders. I'm not interested in discussing gender issues with someone who cannot see women as human beings. History shows the existence of a system governed by women, respected by all genders. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. "As for the reason why there is no matriarchies in recorded history the reasons is warfare. But if you want to be pernickety about it, yes it is people who commit violence but over 99% of the people who do this, are men. It includes transferring the name, power, and authority towards the son. We've been through that and I've explained my position before. Matrifocality and Women's Power: The Peril of Fixed Opinions "Obviously, you would give your life for your children, or give them the last biscuit on the plate. William Bond (author) from England on July 14, 2012: Hi Rock71, Far more men go to Jail because of crimes of violence than women. The history of violence in men cannot be circumstantial because it has happened time and time again. And why? Because women enact their competitiveness and violence in an indirect way, where they do not face the risks involved in enacting one's own violence and competition, there is a moral hazard in putting women in charge of how and when said violence is dispensed. Youre shifting goalposts now. Then we all might have the humility to stand aside and allow women to rule instead. I can also point out that over 99% of all the violence committed in our world was done by men. I'd say "god help us all" but what's the point? Capitalism is not a male economic system. When i talk about brainwashing what i mean is that i find it really incredible that men have ruled our world for thousands of years and in that time we have wars, genicide and poverty, but you tell me that it may not have nothing to do with male rule!? What they have shown is that they are more risk-averse than men are, and that men are easily manipulated by female gender enforcement to perpetrate violence on behalf of women. And as for how "bad" everything is under our political leaders, we're still alive aren't we? Whatever failings you believe are yours as a man, please stop demanding that women make up for them. I never even knew about Rosalind Elsie Franklin until you told me! But, the tide started to shift towards male dominance. Here's the funniest part of it all: You are actually disqualifying your opinion with your sexism thereby making a case against your own argument rather than for it. If she got her brothers to come and do this, they'd be arrested for unlawful restraint, but because she goes through ex parte legal channels and has the police do this on her behalf, it's legal. "I personally do not deem all men are violent. The point is that as history shows us, we don't want ruthless, aggressive, violent and competitive people rule our world. Five thousand years of patriarchal history has shown men are totally incapable of solving the problems of our world. If you're so ashamed of your sex, I'm very sorry but that's your problem. Also, there's absolutely no reason to believe women start any less wars than men if they have most of the political power. Yes, I agree invention can be difficult for men, but it is even far harder for women. One of the most significant advantages of the matrix organizational structure is its ability to share highly-skilled resources. Would make sense, due to the fact that you seem too busy shoving your BS down Wabond's throat to no avail I might add. Do you honestly think that telling the men who rule our world that they are being sexist is going to change anything? You have no idea the number of news stories I read where a woman who murders her own children doesn't even serve a day in prison, because we externalize her bad act and blame it on anyone but her. The persuit of power, irrelevant of what country, is the biggest problem. As a result, supporters of patriarchy pay no heed to preserve nature. She just made a demand of her husband, made it a condition of her continued love and respect, and benefitted from the result. Are you merely here to fight and shove your views down people's throats simply because you damn well feel like it? Do they never receive any recognition nor a Nobel Prize? If women are advocates of capitalism then they are not very good at it. You say that "In the west, we already have a partial matriarchy with respect to the base unit of society--the black community in the US, where over 70% of children are raised without fathers. There would be a place for every good human being on the face of this earth, with no one left behind. Project management software is built for collaboration and teamwork in real-time. Truth is, most men in the West have no more freedom of expression than their grandfathers did, and it certainly isn't helping when these male feminists dismiss their issues (e.g. They were a century before their time. Both men and women tend to want to marry up, but their criteria as to what constitutes "up" are different. Something to think about maybe. One thing I don't know if you realize is that women are equally violent in their personal relationships as men. I'm sorry but if you think I'm wrong about something, then you need to point out my mistake(s) to me in detail. Men's bodies produce far more testosterone than what women's bodies do and it is this hormone that makes a man's body physically stronger. When you see the mess the world is in, with men ruling our world. Get over yourselves and realize that it takes both parties to make a functioning government and society. I am not that interested in systems, i am more interested in people. In other words, women who try to get ahead in any patriarchal institution, has to act and behave like competitive and ruthless men, because if she was to show her caring and maternal nature, she would be condemned as being weak and sentimental. This not only handicaps them in their participation in the political sphere (because being a politician is a risk-prone and uncertain endeavor), but it also means that they'll be less likely to perpetrate public sphere violence. We can see this behavior in sport. There are far more male killers than female killers. It is likely that their higher levels of the male aggression hormone "testosterone" is the cause - the same instincts that make them excell in sports makes them excell in crime. However, their history is feudal, and the ruling class engages in pair-bonding and paternal investment. Deal with that or let the statement go. Men do a terrible job in ruling our world. A matriarchal government will not have the same interest in competition for wealth and power as their main focus of attention will be on the children of the countries they rule. Thus, those resources should be sustainable and can be recycled. You said "You seem to feel that women have existed in a bubble through all of human history. This is why they do a terrible job in ruling our world. You go on and on about maternal instinct, but mothers are the number one demographic of child abusers--both in numbers and in rates. I never said. It is a social system where women possess the privilege to establish the structure of a family. Now that the U.S. is pulling out of Afghanistan to pursue more covert options, I'd like to believe there's a shift in the way we approach war. The present patriarchal system doesn't do that. Not responsible for their violence? Women have had equal access to education for the last half century. And we are going to have a very unfair world as the rich will compete against the poor for more wealth and power. If we want to live in a caring and loving world. both men and women can be be corrupt when given power, therefore it makes no difference who's in charge. Males dominate those, because they have a greater interest in them. It is patrairchal rule that is holding back human progress, our world can never become a better place while men continue to rule it. I think what needs to be done is more infromation such as the articles you have written to be more widley avaliable and for more people to be able to read and be educated about this to get more people thinking about it. But to me, the trick in life is to take that sense of generosity between kin, make it apply to the extended family and to your neighbor, your village, and beyond." -Tom Stoppard No patriarchy or matriarchy will fix that. I don't blame them. If poverty can be elimination, then crime for both black and white men will be greatly reduced. Yes, patriarchy is very, very good at justifying wars and poverty. You completely got that one wrong. "As for hating their own sex, men already do this. Wars were nearly always the result of competing cultures. There is no sense of justice or fairness in this, it is always, the winner takes it all. For a long time, men have dominated the better portion of society. And though these are considered mythological cities there is like Troy a possiblilty they existed once, as there is an equal possiblity that modern day humans may be far older than science claims we are, studies such as forbidden science and archeology are of high interest, due to the fact that they indicate that science has not only been transformed into an instituionalized orthodoxy of cherished theoretical beliefs, but it also indicates that it refuses to embrace alternative possiblities and the fact that their theories about the world, the universe, and humankind could indeed be very wrong. Money spent on an incredibly destructive military machine and its very dangerous testing through demcratic means and manufacturing weapons which. 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