It's the people, companies and/or foundations owning the largest shares through them that are the ones who can levvy decision making using their holdings. But they are still heavily invested in Cheniere, Gates, Hilton, and La Quinta. It is part of our set of instructions, like the ability to walk or talk. But I do think that its a big part of the puzzle. We sell different types of products and services to both investment professionals and individual investors. A lot would depend on what they [firms like Vanguard and BlackRock] did. Posner: Yes, absolutely. Posner: Right. Morningstar: Eric, how did you become involved in this topic of concentrated ownership? CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. They took it, which is not at all the same thing. If someone can find me a better picture of this, let me know. BlackRock actually lends money to the central bank, the federal reserve, and is their principal adviser. Haywood Kelly, CFA does not own (actual or beneficial) shares in any of the securities mentioned above. Riots/Protests 365 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 3L4. We should be concerned. But in some way and by some set of terms this has also been known for millennia. These four Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street and Berkshire Hathaway are the four largest investment firms on the planet. Yes, they all own shares of these companies, and lot of shares (typcially a 20%-30% stake) they do not have a "controlling" stake in any of these companies (i.e. Then, it wouldnt matter if BlackRock owned half a company. Citizen Reporting One of the things you argued in your paper was that under current antitrust law, claims could be made against companies like Vanguard and BlackRock. But every theft creates a hole in his spiritwhich is why the wealthy age faster and worse than normal people. The reopening is effective Thursday, spokesman Freddy Martino said in an email. These investment firms are so enormous, they control the money flow worldwide. Your soul shines through your face. This means someone like Heather Graham must be doing something right. As usual, that information is denied us. 51%), so they don't "own" them. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Survival So, how does this scheme work? My point is best seen by looking at Hollywood stars, most of whom start out very beautiful. Pursuing and gathering riches is even worse than a waste of time, since it doesnt just score zero on the relevance scale, it scores negative. Anti-Competitive Effects of Common Ownership, Journal of Finance, forthcoming. As usual, that information is denied us. Economists are increasingly arguing that market concentration has affected wages. Just like the steel that the plane is made of comes from one of their many mining companies. Blackrock owns 53 billion of Apple, 45 billion of Microsoft, 40 billion of Google, 36 billion of Amazon, 24 billion of Facebook, 25 billion of JPMorganChase, 23 billion of Johnson & Johnson, 20 billion each of ExxonMobil, Berkshire Hathaway, and Bank of America, and so on, for a total of about 2.1 trillion. Wouldnt you create a long tail of bad outcomes for, say, the person who ended up holding Pan Am in the mid-1980s instead of United Airlines? NEW YORK, January 13, 2023--BlackRock, Inc. (NYSE: BLK) today released its financial results for the fourth quarter of 2022. I just Googled on her, and she is now selling the #MeToo movement, trashing Harvey Weinstein, so she isnt completely divorced from the propaganda. 4,222 views Jul 12, 2021 171 Dislike Share Save VID TRUTH 87 subscribers Follow the money. It is how the gods know exactly how shallow you are. Theyre all shareholders in each others companies. Morgan Stanley faded in 2007-8, as everyone knows, so maybe they arent part of the mix like they were. Given that theyve grown so big because their fees are so small, these are the kinds of monopolies that dont keep me up at night, said Thaler. I cant seem to find this specific one anymore. But I am not talking about that kind of beauty anyway. You already know why. Wed like to share more about how we work and what drives our day-to-day business. The producers scan the families for the prettiest children and we go from there. Nature Their combined $22 trillion in managed assets is. Another point is that many people dont own stock. . Two towers of power are dominating the future of investing. Big Tech Have a question? If our rule were put into place, we would predict that the market would segment, and you would see the big institutions like BlackRock divest from all the firms in a concentrated industry except for one and increase the stake in that remaining firm. Those experts would say to the court, We have all this empirical evidence that the institutional investors have reduced competition in the airline industry with the result that prices are higher.. Those gains in part reflect a bull market in stocks thats driven assets into investment products and may not continue. For example, Facebook owns Whatsapp and Instagram. So, this is a real coup detat., Again, I urge you to watch the documentary at the top of this article, and keep an eye out for my interview with Austin Fitts, which will be published in the near future. I remind you of two things: one, the Biblical quote from Matthew: how does it profit a person if he gain the whole world and lose his soul? Did J. Edgar Hoover Order the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr? The effect isnt subtle. Even without that, they can create mischief enough. I think its a complicated question. They own just about everything. But it is even worse, since the one who steals it doesnt gain from it. The airline we fly [on] is in most cases a Boeing or an Airbus. Theres no doubt that gas prices went down because of [John D.] Rockefellers consolidation of the oil industry. You have to do good things, or at least refrain from doing bad things. Privacy Policy and And it probably is. It is a company started by Jeffrey Sprecher, also Jewish, of course. RIP that argues you can achieve diversification by investing across industries.4 But no matter what the strategy is for diversifying across industries, if youre only holding one company in each competitive industry, some investors would end up worse off. And I dont just mean you are ahead of him in the eyes of the gods, though I believe that, too. Ownership is an empty term, coined by empty people. Given that there are papers from economists on both sides of this issue, how would that affect the legal process? articles a month for anyone to read, even non-subscribers. I suspect she is absolutely clueless about any larger issues, and is just being used. I was researching famous 19th century author Bret Harte, who wrote about cowboys. I dont think they are actual Satanists, but I see your point. No, they wont live forever, but the wise dont wish to live forever anyway. Another concern is that without the prospect of being part of an index, fewer small or mid-sized companies have an incentive to go public, according to Larry Tabb, founder of Tabb Group LLC, a New York-based firm that analyzes the structure of financial markets. We're all part of a big family, and one of the biggest lies pushed by the ultra-greedy that people believe is that we aren't.Also, I recommend learning about BlackRock's AI monster that controls over 21 Trillion dollars worth of assets. editorial policies. If they were to concentrate in one company and if their market share continues to grow, you could imagine a case where Vanguard owns a majority or close to a majority of one competitor and BlackRock owns close to a majority stake in another competitor, which seems to bring a whole host of other questions into play. If I am just an ordinary person and I want to be fully exposed to the stock market, there is not a whole lot of difference between owning stock in one company per industry as opposed to owning stock in every single company in the market. Once we arrive at our destination, we go out to dinner and we write a review on Trip Advisor. Even the trustbusterspeople like Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilsonwere ambivalent about busting trusts because they saw that the prices were going down for consumers. So, mathematically, the additional diversification benefit you get is small. Find out about Morningstars While the likes of blackrock, Vanguard and state street are absolutely shit, and have way to much power and control (not to mention the amount of market manupluation these 3 are responsible for), it's a little misleading how this is presented. They are owned by the same people, so competition would be illogical. Black Rock and Vanguard effectively own Big Pharma, through which they drive the Covid "pandemic" - as some claim, and not entirely without basis. Read more about cookies here. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. 2023 Financial Post, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. All rights reserved. BLACKROCK & VANGUARD These institutional investors are mainly investment firms banks and insurance companies. We fly with one of the many airlines [American Airlines, Air France, KLM, United Airlines, Delta and Transavia] of which the majority of the shares are often owned by the same investors . At the end of the day, it isnt what you own that is important, it is what you create. Yes, they all own shares of these companies, and lot of shares (typcially a 20%-30% stake) they do not have a "controlling" stake in any of these companies (i.e. Moreover, BlackRock functions in an intensely oligopolistic environment. Vanguard and BlackRock own significant stakes in PLTR stock. But there would be complicated governance issues that would arise. As noted by Gielen, who narrates the film, a handful of mega corporations private investment companies dominate every aspect of our lives; everything we eat, drink, wear or use in one way or another. I would just be slightly less diversified. Have you ever looked in the face of one of these people and thought He looks like a great guy? What Could We Expect From A Biden Presidency? Please try again. Others will complain that I recommend the film at all. Postmedia is committed to maintaining a lively but civil forum for discussion and encourage all readers to share their views on our articles. A recent paper he cowrote, in which he proposes limiting the companies an index fund can own in one industry, caught our attention, and we wanted to learn more. Alphabet owns Google and all Google-related businesses, including YouTube and Gmail. Vanguard and BlackRock, two mega, privately-owned corporations, possess the lion's share of the world's wealthiest companies. They own the oil refineries, the largest solar panel producers and the automobile, aircraft and arms industries. But if its an institutional investor that already has a large stake in rival companies within a concentrated market and it increases those stakes, and if one can show empirically that the effect of those purchases is to reduce competition among the underlying firms, then youve met that standard. Blackrock and Vanguard own just about everything. In the United States, the antitrust laws have been interpreted in a more relaxed way than they have been in the distant past, with the result that industries have become more concentrated than they used to be. I am talking about the shining through beauty, which anyone can have, and anyone can lose. They might have a stronger incentive to do that. TRUTH LIVES on at Then ownership by institutional investors would not be a problem. Trying to find a clearer one. Another copy can be found on Automatic Earth2andZeroHedge3have also published the letter in full. Investors from individuals to large institutions such as pension and hedge funds have flocked to this duo, won over in part by their low-cost funds and breadth of offerings. In your paper, you make a fair amount of a study from Campbell et al. 2 Posner, E., Morton, F.S., & Weyl, E.G. Posner: This problem is not something for which there is a clean solution. History I cant point to a clear mechanism. Yes, you have to take care of the body as well as the spirit, and they get some of that right. Thats about 20 per cent owned by this oligopoly of three, Bogle said at a Nov. 28 appearance at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York. Education News Not only do they own a large part of the stocks of nearly all big companies but also the stocks of the investors in those companies. What is ICE? Somehow and in some way, it appears that goodness channels them and wickedness blocks them. These investment groups were created to hide ownership, and they do it very well. US News Now, there are exceptions and defenses, which I will get to in a moment. DEL BIGTREE EXPLAINS WHY IT AINT JUST THE COVID VAX, Facebook More than 80% of Facebook shares are held by institutional investors, and the top institutional holders are the same as those found in the food industry: Vanguard and Blackrock being the top two, as of the end of March 2021. Gun Control You cant sell your soul for the same reason you cant sell the Earth: it doesnt belong to you. BLACKROCK AND VANGUARD OWN THE WORLD - THE SAME SHADY PEOPLE OWN BOTH BIG PHARMA AND THE MEDIA 332 followers Follow 332 3 months ago BLACKROCK AND VANGUARD OWN THE WORLD - THE SAME SHADY PEOPLE OWN BOTH BIG PHARMA AND THE MEDIA Embed 340 A GLOBAL MONOPOLY FEW KNOW ABOUT - AND WEF PARTNERS Show more Loading comments. They may indeed hope you read that scene wrong, and some people will. As monopsony power over labor increases, wages are getting squeezed. That could inflate or depress the price of these securities versus similar un-indexed assets, which may create bubbles and volatile price movements. BlackRock The Fourth Branch of Government. Palantir ( PLTR) CEO Alex Karp said that the company will hire "a couple hundred people" this year. While Larry Fink is the figurehead of BlackRock, being its founder, chairman and chief executive officer, hes not the sole decision maker, as BlackRock too is owned by shareholders. There has always been a lot of litigation against the airlines for all kinds of stuff, all kinds of anticompetitive behavior, and its just a matter of time before the plaintiffs bring in the institutional investors and argue that they are either implicitly or explicitly coordinating the airlines. How we use your information depends on the product and service that you use and your relationship with us. Another reason this stuff doesnt get me down is because despite the fact that these people (think they) own the whole world and always have, it doesnt seem to be doing them any good. In 2016, Oxfam reported that the combined wealth of the richest 1% in the world was equal to the wealth of the remaining 99%. To learn more about Morningstar magazine, please visit our corporate website. called Aladin buys and sells all of this with zero human oversight. Endless Wars (Xi, I wonder why.). Are the gods worthy of esteem because they own the world? We also sell both admissions and sponsorship packages for our investment conferences and advertising on our websites and newsletters. There are some deep questions that the debate about institutional investors doesnt really get to the heart of. Take Big Tech, for example. If the only thing you know about sports is who wins and who loses, you are missing the highest stakes action of all. They dont want to actually have to vote. In the process, they will own almost everything on planet Earth. A law professor at New York University, Rock says a variety of legal rules in fact discourage stakes above 10 per cent and he favors creating a safe harbor for holdings up to 15 per cent to incentivize shareholder engagement. I wouldnt trade places with them for anything. The worry would be that the institutional investors might collude with each other and cause their underlying firms not to compete. In turn, BlackRock has been called the "Fourth Branch of Government" by Bloomberg as they are the only private firm that has financial agreements to lend money to the central banking system. These four media conglomerates own and control more than 90 percent of the United States media landscape, which explains why their collective coverage of world events all centers around the same propaganda. 4 Campbell, J.Y., Lettau, M., Malkiel, B.G., & Xu, Y. Very few of them age well; and yes, I do think with them you can very often tell who is the worst by who ages the worst. Science News In general, they look worse at 60 than you do or will. And if indexing distorts the market so much that its easier to beat, more investors will flock to stock pickers, says Richard Thaler, Nobel laureate, University of Chicago professor and principal at Fuller & Thaler Asset Management. Wells Program. This means that Vanguard is in the hands of the richest families on earth, Gielen says. Together, they form an immense network that we can compare to a pyramid, Gielen says. Maybe it was required that they actually gain the whole world before they could lose it. Such a claim is just too broad and vague. Environmental As for the new U.S. administrationto be fair, they are just still transitioning, but Id be skeptical that this would be a priority for them. Its only a problem when the underlying markets are concentrated. It doesnt make me suicidal. We also respect individual opinionsthey represent the unvarnished thinking of our people and exacting analysis of our research processes. Rule 2 does apply throughout the rest of this thread. So, they would write their own report, and this other report would most likely say, No, nothing is happening; there is no problem. And its just up to the court to figure out who is right. Among them we find the Rothschilds, the DuPont family, the Rockefellers, the Bush family and the Morgan family, just to name a few. These products and services are usually sold through license agreements or subscriptions. Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited. Political News So what does it all mean? I dont think thats a great thing. In all, they have ownership in 1,600 American firms, which . Whatever the case may be there, we have to ask who owns Goldman Sachs. We may use it to: To learn more about how we handle and protect your data, visit our privacy center. You can make bad decisions and let yourself be destroyed in this lifetime. Another thing this tells us is that all those beauty sites telling you how to age gracefully also have it mostly wrong. went to Washington DC, 10 million strong, and peacefully protested our own corrupt parties who hate us and demanded 4 year Term Limits for Congress, Ban All Lobbying from anyone including corporations, NGOs, or . The monopoly of these investment firms isnt relegated to the packaged food industry. COVID-19 The Spartacus Letter was originally posted on, but has since been deleted. . . In turn, they, themselves are owned by shareholders and the most surprising thing is that they own each other's stocks. Blackrock/Vanguard didnt just buy the entire world. Glen had read papers by Jos Azar and others that found a strong correlation between common ownership by institutional investors and prices that the firms that they own charge customers.1 Glen was immediately struck by how powerful this work was and asked me to write a paper with him.2 Fiona Scott Morton joined us as well. I think litigation is the natural solution. We have enabled email notificationsyou will now receive an email if you receive a reply to your comment, there is an update to a comment thread you follow or if a user you follow comments. As BlackRock and Vanguard grow, and as money flows from active to large passive investors, their per centage share of every firm increases, said Azar in an interview. Posner: Right. 1 See, for example, Azar, J., Schmalz, M., & Tecu, I. So there is a varying baseline, that is true. They might become smaller. They took it. Health News We are all being played if you like it or not. We ask you to keep your comments relevant and respectful. Not everyone can see when eyes go dark, apparently. Van Gogh gets all the credit, doesnt he, not any owner. We encountered an issue signing you up. World Politics. 1, February, pp. The white men wanted to buy land from the Natives, but the Natives couldnt make sense of the basic idea. Together, these parent companies monopolize the packaged food industry, as virtually every food brand available belongs to one of them. We talked with Posner on two occasions in the fall. That sum alone would mean trillions of dollars more for BlackRock and Vanguard, based on their current market share. Very concerned. That is something I learned from Chomsky, though he didnt invent the idea. To see how that works, notice that on the page for, What this means is that whoever owns Blackrock/Vanguard also owns the NYSE and everything else. We are interested in historical developments going back to the 19th century. US Economy Because ownership of the world is pretty much meaningless, when you get right down to it. It's the way of the world, and nothing new. Entertainment News Energy Does anyone care that the Vatican owns the Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel? BlackRock's assets under management, which had crossed the $10 trillion threshold in 2021, stood at $8.59 trillion at the end of December despite inflows into its funds during the fourth quarter. Of the top 10 shareholders in Pepsi Co., the top three, Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street Corporation, own more shares than the remaining seven. Heres a sampling: You can continue going through the list of tech brands companies that build computers, smart phones, electronics and household appliances and youll repeatedly find Vanguard, Blackrock, Berkshire Hathaway and State Street Corporation among the top shareholders. We also respect individual opinionsthey represent the unvarnished thinking of our set of terms this has been... 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