4) You spit in the face of every Canadian veteran who fought for FREEDOM! WebIf my wife spit on me during an argument does that mean it's over? Sorry you are going true this oo, but what first came to mind when i read this is: He spits on you and you take it, Abeg if he ever does such again, you too spit on him, infact after spitting on him, carry water and pour ontop his head too. They got me a job after I searched for months, allowed me visitation with my "kids", (that really kept my spirit alive during this time, because wouldn't you know it - after I found it was so difficult on my own, I started REGRETING having called the police on my ex)!!! Thank you all. He's hit you before and is still excusing horrible behavior. Subject: Husband spit in face. But first they wanted to take some time to personally make sure He suffered before He died. These religious leaders didnt stop with just humiliating Jesus. }[Quran 4:19]. 2. Is he truly too far gone, is he too broken? One scholar notes that there could have been one hundred or more men in this crowd! var daym=mydate.getDate() "what if the black mark isn't gone after all? Updated Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). It doesn't do to act like this and then think he can just talk you into keeping him. However, if he persists in doing so, it is permissible for you to ask for divorce in order to repel the harm from you if you think that divorce is better for you, but if you think that you can be patient on him, then you can do so. only he can choose who he wants to be in life. Writing that check was difficult, but once it was written, my heart simply flooded with joy because I had been obedient. In one of the nations most grotesque events, supposedly unbiased journalists gather to cosplay as Hollywood stars and give each other awards for partisan reporting. Well if he is real violent that might not be a good idea. All Rights Reserved. Dont be his verbal , You know the options you have,weigh them and make moves asap! You already know thats unforgivable, be strong, fight against your feelings, delete his number, block him, delete everything that remembers you of him, change your phone number, anything that is needed, but dont stay with him, PLEASE, dont. If I had the means, I would be gone. Notice that it wasnt just a few who spit in his face that night; the Bible says, they spit in his face. The word they refers to all the scribes and elders who were assembled for the meeting that night. To put the seriousness of spitting into perspective, on the hierarchy of force used by security and law enforcement here it sits squarely in the realm of "put them down, hard, as quickly as possible". So I guess unless it was somehow an absolute accident dump him. i thought he was over that. I cannot respond to any comments. When I heard about this event, it hurt so badly that it cut deep into my heart. that hurts so much, so digracefull. 15) This isn't the first time that global teen media has spat in the face of the kids who make it tick. that type of behavior is totaly unacceptable and has NO place in a marriage. I risked everything, lost everything and had to start from scratch, literally. This is babaric and disgusting. Fuck that. document.write(""+montharray[month]+" "+daym+", "+year+""). John 1:11 tells us, He came unto his own, and his own received him not. Although these men who spit on and hit Jesus refused to acknowledge Him, He still went to the Cross and died for them. Cherry did what she thought was best at the time, thinking her H would change. He's wrong, and these are the words of someone desperate who wants to act out and kick off and then be taken back, time after time, because he's wrapped up in hos own issues and actually isn;t capable of taking responsibility for a relationship where you nurture and support and care for the other person, instead of just using them as an emotional (and possibly soon enough physical) punchbag. He could have gotten arrested for doing that had you called the police. How about you? WebGet a divorce. formal<---------------|-------------X-->informal. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Intentionally spitting on another person is an offensive touching that rises to the level of simple assault, the three-judge panel wrote. Jeffrey Lewellyn was sentenced to two years probation and 50 hours of community service after he spat in 2004 at a patient who swore at him on the grounds of a Veterans Administration Medical Center in Walla Walla, Washington. Its inclusive of rejection, isolation, and other forms of diminution and dismissal. There's also a chance for members of this community to put forward their questions to ask her directly (and live!) Puerto Madero N9710, Oficina 22, Pudahuel - Santiago | saudi arabian airlines flight 763 cvr transcript You are the CEO of your life. It is also a show of weakness. Why the hell should you? I picked up a phone, dialed 911 and let them tape the abuse over the phone. Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. What rubbish! And it's beside the point. Making him retract the spitting was a really clever and creative way to try to fix that wound (and well done for breaking up with him too, by the way: he sounds like a I'm watching my children grow up, I want them to be happy, healthy and safe in their little worlds. He just couldn't stop using drugs and abusing me. I'm so confused. I would slap the shit out of her.What a vile action and coming from your wife, Even more disgusting. unbeweavable!!! 9) operators to ignore, disregard or disobey the ruling of the court will amount to spitting in the face of the Court". WebWhen a guy spits in his girlfriends face during an argument, what does that mean? In the end, it was worth it. 15/04/2009 12:10. You know nothing about that situation. WebNo woman with self-respect would ever allow anyone to spit in her face. Walmart even towed one of my cars after 7 days while I was out looking for a job. var month=mydate.getMonth() I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. ICTV back in celebration of Curt's bday with the Spitting Challenge! I'm sure he thinks it's your fault he HAD to act like that. That evening at the meeting, the local church I was visiting announced they would be starting a building program. All rights reserved. I don't think you should be telling Cherry that she is "wrong" and needs to apologize to her family. No apology, no acknowledgement of it being a horrible thing. I know what I need to do now. We think of motorized bikes 18) Hence the flurry of road upgrades. if the man just hit the wife for no real reason other then the fact that he was angry then that is not forgivable but if the wife was one of those pushy bitches who refuse to let up on someone when they're in an argument and wouldn't get out of the husband's face for two seconds so he walloped her because he was being pushed to his breaking point Personally, for me, spitting in someone's face and calling them a cunt is as bad as punching them in the face. Even our then Pastor refused to believe me. 5) response to a people deep in struggle. WebYour spouse should be the only one in your eye, at least on paper and as far as they know. As I sat in there, Gods Spirit spoke to my heart and instructed me to sow a sacrificial seed into their new building program. Here in the US its called assult to spit on somebody. After spitting on Him, they each doubled up their fists and whacked Him violently in the face! Some years ago, I visited another church in our city to hear a special speaker who had come from afar. Thats abusive behaviour. Id respond exactly as if theyd hit me. A lot of the other answers read like theyre making excuses for abusers. No, out His adopted father had given us the house we lived in, and kicked me out as soon as he learned I called the cops on his son. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Wishing you the best, my friend. He actually spit on your face. Or have the conflicts revealed you have a fickle love that you quickly turn off when people dont respond to you the way you wished they would? What's to "appreciate"? It would be considered significant in any nation of the world. It doesn't appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Dont be a doormat. That should be the man of your dreams and trust me when that man comes along you will fancy him anyway. It's only going to get worse. The next time someone treats you this way, how do you think you should respond to him or her? Nairaland - Copyright 2005 - 2023 Oluwaseun Osewa. I dont necessarily think it matters what the context was but for some reason Im able to dismiss the behavior. Honestly, he is only steps away from physical abuse, and I know that for a fact because my ex used to spit in my face during arguments. Don't have an account? However, the amount the Lord put in my heart was significant. Colossians 1:28, 2023 Rick Renner Ministries. No I don't want them to, this is not normal behavior, I know that. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. What the HELL??? The word broken is something I can't stop thinking about. While you are figuring out what to do in such a place------Just to say for you to be locking up yourself in a room or something next time he goes that crazily ballistic so he doesn't harm or even kill you. When you spit into someone's face it's like saying that person is s**t without throwing a punch. When someone spattered his spit on another persons face, that spit was meant to humiliate, demean, debase, and shame that person. reader, buckster12+, writes (10 July 2009): Already have an account? Humiliating Jesus with their spit and curses didnt satisfy the hatred of these men; they wouldnt be satisfied until they knew He had been physically maltreated. Because that is what will happen if you stay. A Every time they spit on Him, they were spitting on the anointing. All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. cntrUpTag.track('cntrData', 'e2d0203af72aea64'); Then did they spit in his face, and buffeted him. We both have calmed down. It just gets worse, so get out before it does. Get out, and do it for your kids. I remember feeling as if I had been spit on and as the years passed, this same pastor spit on us many more times. .. if (daym<10) daym="0"+daym When Forget the fact that he's good-looking and has a "presence" that attracts other women - that doesn't make him worth more, it actually makes him less of a keeper, because he'll think he can hold that over you to keep you in line, and he'll be more likely to cheat anyway. (I know the answer to that one, because I stay). Please modmail us with any questions. reader, zay zay+, writes (10 July 2009): A Get away from him because if he does this he's already crossed the line into assault and more is inevitable. I think you owe your family a huge apology, you were wrong - they weren't. I hope you don't think I have a problem with finding a man. Wow!! I am sure in your mind you were thinking everything is going good, we are working on making this work and then this. In the end, it was just talk. He's threatening to come up to my job. My H is ADHD, he grew up in a very abusive family, and honesty I think he is bipolar on some level. But when I heard what this pastor did next, I was literally stunned. var mydate=new Date() He needs to know he can't get away with that either he should have gone ahead and hit you. Go to our stickied post for more details. This is a bot message. [At-Tirmithi] So, if a husband treats his wife with content and despises her, especially if he did so by spitting on her face as mentioned in the question, then he was indeed wrong and sinful. Posted April 11, 2011 You are having a conversation with someone you care about and this person For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Um, he won't wake up to tend to his own children when they need it, he spits in your face and thinks it justified. It's like he doesn't know when to stop. I was truly deeply appalled and shocked. It is THE most disrespectful thing he could think of doing to you. By some chance, he thought he'd ripped the phone plug out of the wall and DIDN'T. When I look at how far I've come now, it's just amazing to me. It spits in the face of everyone who judges people without knowing them. Matthew 26:67,68 says, Then did they spit in his face, and buffeted him; and others smote him with the palms of their hands, saying, Prophesy unto us, thou Christ, Who is he that smote thee?. Argued for it being ok. Never did it again. The Right of Sexual Relations between Spouses, Essentials and Items the Husband Must Provide for His Wife, Newly Married Wife Finds Mother in-Law Is Very Authoritative and Wants to Live in Separate House, Marital Problems and Separation While They Have 4 Children, Not Incumbent on Spouses to Sleep in the Same Bed but Wife Is Obliged to Answer His Call to Bed, Religions, Sects and Da'wah (Call to Islam), Jinaayaat (Criminology) and Islamic Judicial System, Islamic Politics and International Affairs, Medical Issues, Media, Culture and Means of Entertainment. I would make a domestic claim whenever he does spit on you. Only SHE gets to make a decision about her marriage, not her parents or anyone else. At a time when this pastor could have been rejoicing with us, he chose to make it another opportunity to spit in our faces. its a slum bar, i mean. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. Colleague 1: Yes. My thought would be that after cleaning up it was time for some cold, hard thinking. It would be time to analyse what had happened, and how things I worked and continued to be homeless, living in my car and showering at my now-husband's place, while I saved money for my own dwelling. It was a time when we desperately needed money for our own building program, so anything I sowed would be sacrificial. You can search for fatwa through many choices, Marital problems and dissension between spouses. Privacy Policy | Return/Refund Policy. when your spouse spits in your face when your spouse spits in your face when your spouse spits in your face He appealed the conviction, arguing that spitting did not constitute an assault, but the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals disagreed. OUR VISION is to take the Gospel both to our nearby world and to the ends of the earth, proclaiming Christ, and warning and teaching every man with all wisdom, in order that we may present every person fully mature in Christ Jesus. That's all I've been saying to myself going back and forth on this thread . Spitting in your face as his wife is sooooooo disrespectful its not even funny. reader, Heartbroken in love+, writes (10 July 2009): A He poked fun at us, ridiculed us, mocked us, and put us down in front of his people. Colleague 1: I think that we should spit in the face of conventional marketing strategy and offer unlimited free customer service to anyone that asks. On this one you simply have to stand up for yourself. This is a very clear sign of hatred, anger, and disrespect. These cookies do not store any personal information. . Youre a valuable person, dont let anyone disrespect you like that, it doesnt matter how much you like him or love him, he doesnt care about your feelings, he doesnt respect you, and with time he will hurt you more and more, dont let that happen. All Content Copyright (C) DearCupid.ORG 2004-2008 - we actively monitor for copyright theft, Register in under one minute and get your own agony aunt column. They hated Jesus and the anointing that operated through Him to such an extent that they voted to murder Him. I had three days to pack what I could into my two cars, with my three dogs and I lived in a Walmart parking lot. Be very careful with such a man before he graduates to threatening you with. That clinched it! How did you act in response to that situation? It means that the guy has no respect for his girlfriend whatsoever, probably also he lacks You HAVE to. Adding a motor spits in the face of all of those goals. No woman with self-respect would ever allow anyone to spit in her face. Can you think of an instance in your life when you did something good for someone, but that person didnt appreciate what you did? The man you thought you loved was an illusion. Colleague 1: It does show a certain disregard and scorn for conventional strategies. 249Disclaimer: Every Nairaland member is solely responsible for anything that he/she posts or uploads on Nairaland. If you stay, just know that he won't spit on you next time. 6) unapologetically wasteful behaviour displayed by a public institution in the present trying economic climate is spitting in the face of the many students they relentlessly attempt 7) offers zero permanent economic gains to Marshfield and destroys my family's property value while spitting in the face of our hard work with "just compensation". Yes, spitting in the face is crime, court rules. Please leave him before his behavior escalates. As you think of how people have wronged you, does it affect your desire to love them? All rights reserved. I would have freaked the f**k out! Also, that is assault. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. All quotes delayed a minimum of 15 minutes. Honestly I would leave a man that spits on me after the first time because, I know my worth but thats something you have to figure out. Were you stunned by his behavior? You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. What have these conflicts revealed about you? Need help with your relationship? Spitting in the face of your spouse after they have offered an apology is not a good way to have a good relationship. Copyright 2011 Robert Ross. You shouldn't let any one abuse you emotionally, psycholigically or physically. Cases Has there ever been a time in your life when you felt like someone you tried to help later turned around and spit in your face? The couple who took my dogs GAVE THEM BACK to me, and it was the best gift I think I've EVER received in my whole life!!! Couldnt he have done any better than this? When I heard how he viewed the sizable gift Id given, I was quite shocked. The police came, arrested him and I INSTANTLY became homeless. Not only was this brutal it was sadistic! The same Holy Spirit who lived in Jesus now lives in you. SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A man who intentionally spat at another can be charged with criminal assault, a U.S. appeals court ruled on Wednesday. But in any other context that's not okay and you shouldn't put up with that. I found a home for my three dogs, who I had for YEARS, and the couple who took them changed my life forever. His love for them was unwavering unshaken and unaffected by their wrong actions. Cos for sure, this guy needs help (serious professional help).And from ur story,its so obvious u are not happy in that marriage, well except if u enjoy been spat on, which no one in their right senses will. Its disgusting. i go sometimes with him but the bartenders wera low cut shirts and show boobs if requested, i ask him not to go without me becouse it makes me uncomfortable,i guess becouse i turned 50 so maybe its an issue wit me but anyway we have had a domestic violance case befoer. Get up and calmly (as possible) walk out of the room because my gut reaction would be to either slap them or spit at them back, neither of which is Your husband spits on you,says you look like poo, pours your stew into the drain and damages d door when angry? Yeah I usually try and play devils advocate, but spitting in somebodys face is enough to make somebody kill you. for the Q&A section. 1 Like ; Don't beat yourself up over what you did or didn't do, what caused it, etc. Lord, thank You for being such a good example of love that is unshaken and unaffected by other peoples actions. Nobody but yourself can get you to the point where you're willing to demand respect or show him the door. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. They are now dear friends, they are more than friends, they are family to me, and God only knows where I'd be without them. And now the Lord was telling me to sow a large gift into this same church? We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. It probably doesn't matter but what contexts did this take place in? You are human, demand to be treated like one! Why? Come join the discussion about love, romance, health, behavior, conflict resolution, care, and more! That's a goodbye and ghost a motherfucker thing. For a second time, he injected a dagger into my heart! Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or basic human interaction: we're here to help! I know that, but when it's happening that's what goes through my mind. I can't think of anything that can be more contemptuous than being spat on and i cannot understand why anyone will endure/live with such for as much as 2 years. Then these religious scribes and elders did the unthinkable! Spitting in someones face isnt as physically violent as punching them, (sure) but its still a form of physical and emotional violence that would have me smashing the eject button on any such relationship. I would have gone to a shelter if need be. Then forgive those people, and decide to love them the way Jesus loved those who wronged Him! Forgive me for being on-again, off-again in my love. When he looked me dead in the eye and said "Good" I knew that he was going to kill me. . 1st marriage, 6 months in, wife spit in my face during an argument. I am so sorry he treated you this way How awful to start the day like this!!! I was with a man who shoved me, slapped me, kicked me, but never spat on me For some reason this just feels like a new low!! Talk About Family, Marriage and Relationships. Press J to jump to the feed. Anonymous. Have you tried spitting on him? Where there is a will, there's a way. I understand you been with him for 5 years but even if you were with him for 20 years don't you feel you deserve better? They had lied about us, scoffed at us, and even prayed for our downfall. I know that with Your help, I can love them steadfastly no matter what they do! And just because he tells you you don't know how lucky you are to have his nasty, hurtful, abusive self on your hands, doesn't mean he's right. The Prophet said: "The best amongst yourselves, are the best to their wives." +1 Spitting at someone is one of the most vile, contemptuous, degrading and disgusting things one human being can do to another. He's coming home in a hour. He has refused to go see a doctor for any kind of mood disorder, he took ritalin as a child and hated the side effects. Especially when someone does it an They're no longer your boyfriend. Instead of being thankful for the gift we gave, he once more demonstrated utter disrespect and contempt for us. Hi, Just a message from the mods. Was he so unappreciative that you felt as if hed spit in your face? Why are some men like this now? I would spit at him back but then again that might provoke him to hurt you. That is the ultimate in disrespect. REALLY. When I get disappointed at the way others respond to me or to what I have done for them, I often think of what happened to Jesus on that night when He came before these Jewish leaders. In the trial that took place before the high priest and his elders, the religious leaders charged Jesus with the crime of declaring Himself the Messiah. One week later, the pastor to whom I gave the gift was at a meeting with his staff and church leaders. The issue I was wrestling with was giving a gift to this church that had treated us with contempt for so long. When someone spattered his spit on another persons face, that spit was meant to humiliate, demean, debase, and shame that person. He wouldn't give them up and ended up breaking the keyless entry clicker before . I think nearly everyone has felt taken advantage of and spit on at some point or another. female [Abu Daawood] The scholars stated that the above narration is evidence that it is forbidden to hit the face when disciplining the wife. To make it worse, the offender would usually spit hard and close to the persons face, making it all the more humiliating. There are options - use them and get out. 17) way to lose weight, gain fitness, and test ourselves. We're hosting a Reddit Talk Live event on Tuesday the 21st of September at 11am PST (2pm EDT/ 7PM GMT) with relationship expert Kerry Cohen, and we'd love for you to join us! You might wanna take a break from him, while he go sought for help. When you spit in her face difficult, but once it when your spouse spits in your face time some. A job an extent that they voted to murder him votes can not be cast violently the! The when your spouse spits in your face shortcuts treats you this way, how do you think of doing you! Her face murder him think he can choose who he wants to be life! To make it tick treated you this way, how do you think should! Of simple assault, the local church I was visiting announced they be. Analyze and understand how you use this website instead of being thankful for the we! 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