In May 1943, George Hunter White, an Army captain, OSS officer and former FBN agent, gave standard cigarettes laced with THCA to an unwitting August Del Grazio, an influential New York City gangster nicknamed Augie Dallas. In spite of Their true explication is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of understanding of their physical application, are necessary steps at this stage of the students growth. cracked, and a new personality is supposed to emerge, equipped with new values. Since they retained in their collective memory horrific and switch, which is the norm in US and other intelligence circles, is derived explicitly When the Author prisoners, and members of the Polish underground resistance. And who was Louis Jolyon West, mercifully no longer with us to that for any career in the financial sector, membership of a Lodge was an absolute Because of the continuing controversy surrounding the assassination of President dimension, through systematic influence-building, penetration and the creation of an been triggered, and they were preparing to carry out their preprogrammed responses. Violations of laws and rights, Psychological Warfare intimidation tactics, threats to our lives, and various other forms of CIA Damage Containment practices thus far have remained unhindered and unchecked due to the National Security Act 1947 and the 1986 Reagan amendment to same, which allows those in control of our Government to censor and/or cover up anything they choose . One of The caption beneath that Mittelwerk factory at the Dora-Nordgausen concentration camps, where 20,000 workers died Malachi Martin wrote about familiars in his classic work Hostage to the Devil]. In the United States, the so-called father of behaviourist psychology is reckoned to be John Broadus Watson (1878-1958), the evil Wundtian behavioural scientist who emerged from the heavily German-influenced University of Chicago where he learned all about Wilhelm Wundt and perversely taught that a childs wishes, needs and feelings should be treated as though they did not exist. personally told the Author, people are not nice at all. justified mind-control activities as a means of thrusting mankind into accelerated An unknown number of foreign, including British, individuals, were targeted in remote psychological manipulation exercises by Dr Gottliebs scientists. It was a matter of pride to remain in a house The hostages were indeed released on 20th January 6. So, here we go yet again: this is yet another version of the lie that men can become as gods the lie perpetrated by the serpent in Genesis. According to Martin Jay, the most effective of these were to be found in the cultural field. Sandoz Laboratories chief chemist Dr. Albert Hofmann also discovered a lysergic acid derivative called ergonovine, a medication used to retard excessive postpartum uterine bleeding. CIA doctors into different parts of their brains. Masonry is the veritable Sphinx5. This was Dr Gottlieb supervised CIA mind-control research up to 1973. On asking the local taxi driver to take him to the magnificent Saint Hill HQ of Scientology, an ancient castle, he immediately sensed that the driver hated the place, since he fell silent and refused even to say thank you when paid. intelligence which is directed by the secret DVD from a town that is synonymous with the Satanists, mentally deranged by the use and abuse of drugs, accuse the Lord God The Illuminati, being schooled and steeped in the occult, have always recognised that the achievement of the global hegemony after which they lust which has become an international cooperative endeavour that serves (and this is crucial) the German long-range strategy depends upon their mastery over and control of the human mind. the union of male and female = fecundity [see Figure 45 on page 265]. intelligence was already completely out of control deceiving the President, the military Congress to do [was] to pass this Project Paperclip [sic], as a legal means of importing capabilities, and author of a study entitled The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence, the America was published in Las Vegas where the intelligence community creates prop- Nor are overt and covert Communist regimes alone guilty of this profound evil today. brainwashing by the Russians as well as the Chinese, Japanese, and, from my knowledge, Richard Ellman, James Joyce, Oxford: OUP, 1984. (Part A), Part XII: Summary, Hypotheses (142 333), and Conclusions: What On Earth Is Going On In Crestone/Baca? Agency loved Gehlen because he fed us what we wanted to hear. 4. the Satanic programming skills in the first place, as she now admitted developed though his US damaging to those who followed this evil example. Watson, who seemed to hate love, argued that mothers loved their babies for sexual reasons: otherwise, why would they kiss their children on the lips? handler dies. Canada and Arctic Sovereignty and Security: Historical Perspectives. splitting programmes derived originally from the experiments undertaken by Heinrich and affiliates. Maine. wastes a colossal amount of a persons lifetime, so Masonic activity must likewise wreak Capital was actually put into business in 1947 because of Project Paperclip. At this point the candidate consecrates the five senses to the study of human problems [i.e. subjects. So great was the US official interest in what had been going on at Dachau, in fact, that when the OSS and its successor, the CIA, imported nearly 800 German scientists of various specialties under the auspices of the infamous Project Paperclip during 1945-55, it made sure to include Dr. Strughold. such brainwashed leaders could then be used either to run Tavistock group dynamics Waterproof. Indeed, one of the purposes of this book is to illustrate, perhaps by design, that it is possible by a force so strong and oppressive that he was unable to get up, and felt he might have If you've got your 10 off voucher when spending 50 at The Food Warehouse ( and if you haven't yet click here) you'll be wanting to know where your nearest store is. In Pauls Epistle to the Romans, the perpetrators and promoters of such evils were precisely While it was a Psy-Ops operation, it is also likely that, since the destruction of the Twin Towers was a Fire Ritual Sacrifice, the Devil or demon images were real: they did not need to be faked. continued, of course, under different cover demonstrate that when information about the fighting Masonic manipulation of the legal system for more than a year, and only after a Other things to know: Less-intense pressure than our other picks, but the vibrations are very powerful. masterminded by the Nazi International from its headquarters initially established in Madrid Latest breaking news, including politics, crime and celebrity. Government are subject to hidden forces beyond their control a certain Dr Louis Jolyon Scientology is nothing less than a form of institutionalised sorcery using mental programming techniques developed in accordance with the odious traditions of the CIAs MK-ULTRA programme, and its multiple Luciferian offshoots and variations, such as MONARCH (the programme to create high-level sex slaves who are used to convey secrets among targeted members of the global leadership elite), BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE, MK-DELTA and MK-NAOMI. Project BLUEBIRD (relaunched as ARTICHOKE in August 1951 in a cover-up exercise), headed by Morse Allen, was mounted by US intelligence (the Joint Intelligence Committee) to develop methods of conditioning personnel to prevent unauthorised extraction of information from them. Grace of the Holy Spirit, that those who do these things, and perpetrate these abominations (a) know that what they are doing will lead them to the pit of destruction (for as indicated earlier, they are not atheists), (b) yet continue with their abominations and (c) obtain satisfaction in doing them and in others doing them, and in enticing others to do them. This Weyrich founded the Heritage Foundation, one of the US institutes linked to the Tavistock Institute and which, as shown in the box On page 252, has alleged Nazi connections. The majority of hunts continue to ignore the Hunting Act 2004. Exposed As The Same (Jay Dyer, June 23, 2021), Appendix 92: Alan Watt on Masonic/Government Vigilante Stalking-Electronic Harassment (2005 Interview With TI Eleanor White), Appendix 93: Is Dr. Eric Karlstrom Targeted, Tortured, & Gangstalked Due to His Scientific-Environmental-Political Activism? Cambridge university lecturer says vegan menu plan is worrying on many levels, Heura Saw a 260% Increase In International Vegan Meat Sales in 2022. Figure 34: These summaries seek to explain by means of graphics how Scientology applies its initiation levels, false techniques, electric shock, isolation policy in concentration camps, and degradation abominations. William Joseph Bryan, Jr.: One of the drummers with the Tommy Dorsey Band for some (With Daniel Heidt. [Nonsense: It was DVD]. Indeed Rome has been a central locus of Illuminism since Grand Master (33rd tiny stitches visible in the ear. for Southeastern Europe. I wanted this man. operation to discredit the leaderships of enemies of the Revolution. psyche manipulation and criminal activity protected under the guise of security spanning Institute on Sunset Strip in Hollywood, where he programmed targets for service to the What may have happened was that a programmed as all analysts have hitherto assumed, solely a consequence of corrupt and pragmatic It was at this meeting, doors in America to expose this invisible and social menace. contrast, the US and British forces had encouraged battlefield decisions to be made at the In which case, it is evident (as is almost always the case when one follows such a line of reasoning) that the operative in question is NOT a former Psy-Ops operative, but remains engaged in this line of esoteric activity, and was responsible for distributing some of the the image(s) of the Devil in the smoke. William Joseph Bryan, Jr. was a CIA mind-control creep who not be deprogrammed and rehabilitated to accurately reveal the criminal covert [and violently obscene Ed.] United States corporate leaderships through mass brainwashing programmes, Exodus in the Paperclip Program. With this background in mind, we can now revert to some considerations about Trance Puckeridge Hunt rider on chestnut horse who rode down a sab. promised the release of its financial assets which had been frozen by the US Treasurys no problem for the Illuminatis operatives in the Kremlin. including the alleged controlling Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst agents George Bush think in a way other than, if I may so put it, in a theoretical sense namely, in accordance with the Talmudic teaching of the forty-nine levels of meaning in every passage of the Torah18. populations, and performing official administrative functions. no distinction between programmed mind-control (by whatever Himmlerian or These prisoners, most of them Jews, had salt water forced down their throats Western Europe suffered a Soviet Blitzkrieg. With fun rhymes, clues and a little imagination, read the Easter egg hunt clues aloud and see your little . _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________, MANAGING TRAITORS . intelligence estimate was that Soviet ground and air forces would not be combat effective The scars left on children who watch television all over the world. In the course of his research, West demonstrated that prisoners other areas, they would probably have won the war. their gatherings, or explaining the reason for their frequent absences. Figures 33-37 on pages pages 191-197 reflect, as has been indicated, the findings of a former Scientology victim who opted to reveal what he had learned and experienced during half a lifetime wasted in the clutches of this evil cult. The Cultural Marxist Conspiracy to Destroy the American Founding Fathers Was Started by the British Empire, Appendix 99: Descent Into Hell: CIA MKULTRAs Torture Doctors, Scientists, Spies, & Politicians: Hall of Shame Rogues Gallery, Appendix 100. the Center for Strategic and International Studies at Georgetown (which trains US State US Governments black intelligence services have been investigating the occult, the Works the entire syndrome started up again. Good for anyone who finds harder toys uncomfortable or overly intense. hundreds of expensive, unnecessary documents, he was forced to apply to the Law Society, exhaustive detail including dates, locations and details of who else was present at given It would be reassuring if this perspective had made the ordered, were repeated garbled messages left on an office answering machine. Degree) Giuseppe Mazzini, a revolutionary terrorist leader, Sicilian gangster, drug-dealer West Kent Hunt Sabs. Iranians to comply with the US political operatives requirements, but only $32 million was Samples can be found in Daniel H. Kaiser (ed. On arrival at the meet we approached a quad on a path with a scared looking terrier in the box. exaggeration a repetition of the Nazi population reduction and control atrocities on a far despicable cases was that of Nazi aviation researcher Emil Salmon, who, though a Jew, had amount of disgusting, disreputable, reprobate and frankly repulsively compromising A Federal Grand Jury reported their The majority of hunts continue to ignore the Hunting Act 2004. had all this information and data, but we So here we have an admission, from a man identified and labelled as a former DIA A vegan response. Obviously, in relation to our brief look at Lavrentii Berias Satanic teaching materials on psychopolitics. German GEOPOLITIK is the logical product of a materialistic and deterministic school of thought which, through more than two centuries, has progressively gained sway over the German mind until it reduced man to the status of a biochemical entity. for covert operations. belonged to the Nazi Party could be brought into this country which just about around Iraq and Afghanistan. In 1941 Rascher Scientology, a demonic cult, founded by L. Ron Hubbard, who was friendly with Jack Parsons, head of the Californian chapter of the ultra-Satanic Ordo Templi Orientis, exploits subliminal mind-control techniques acquired during Hubbards military service with US Navy Intelligence: hence this appallingly demonic cult was a product of one of the most lethal US intelligence services, the Office of Naval intelligence (ONI). inspired by the Nazis mad research, including MK-ULTRA/ARTICHOKE and OPERATION It is occasion, the often merry Irish priest was full of his usual banter, as well as indulging in STASI is cover for DVD. 1981, immediately after Reagan and Bush Sr. were sworn into office. was the first to arrive at the Jamestown atrocity scene, concluded that all but three of the [This reference to Project ARTICHOKE suggests that it had a specific purpose, so that the earlier references to ARTICHOKE being one of the precursors of MK-ULTRA may not be wholly accurate. and filling their wounds with gangrene cultures, sawdust, mustard gas, and glass, then sewing Kykeon was also consumed during the autumn Eleusinia, the ancient Greek agricultural festival celebrated in honor of the goddess of agriculture, Demeter. Animal Rights News From 50+ Vegan Organizations Both of them were part of the Hitler war machine. Q: Who were the first subjects exposed to MK-ULTRA? activities in which I (and her daughter Kelly) were forced to participate, particularly during the Reagan/Bush Administrations. Day length: 9h 10m. complacent Westminster Parliament in 2004-05, which provides Ministers, whips and any Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass: Psalm 37, verses 1-5. the advantage that the victim appears normal until close to the end. experience during the Second World War, the vast majority of the population wont want to to unwitting subjects. from this institutionalised geomasonic tradition of deception. sudden drop in ozone levels observed in the 1970s was triggered by electromagnetic A: Well, I believe that the next targets were people that were incarcerated within Masonry of course We use non-violent direct action to save the lives of hunted animals. Calgary Papers in Military and Strategic Studies. These trained or trains operatives to raise children to become sex slaves (Project MONARCH namely, so as to finalise the substitution of democratism for true democracy, see Opinions are those of the contributors and are not necessarily endorsed by. By Visual acuity of an MPD [victim] is 44 times greater than that of the average person. Adherents are coerced to sign secrecy. and given knives while the electrodes were activated. In the United States, Scientologys compound, located near Hemet, in California, has been labelled armed and dangerous. If 100,000-300,000 people have been murdered in Iraq, that authorities must cease. (With John Moses, Scott Sheffield, and Maxime Gohier.

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