Economic Support Services. To date, 435 trained trainers are using their knowledge and skills in their own organizations and delivering training to their colleagues. Food and nutrition. The Empire State Economic Development Fund is flexible, providing a range of assistance to ensure that the state is meeting the diversity of business needs. Technical assistance is also being provided to the Government of Iraq (GOI) to implement a sound and transparent commercial legal framework, including the areas of company law and secured transactions, to foster the rule of law and promote a burgeoning private sector. Logistical barriers prevented the completion of the course, but new courses will begin in mid-2008 at the new JEDI facility. EB promotes a strong American economy by leveling the playing field for American companies doing business in global markets, attracting foreign investors to create jobs in America . Funded the development of peace and reconciliation initiatives through national youth programs. Convened PRT staff to discuss best approaches to designing proposals. Photo By: Syed Mahabubul-Kader Batel is licensed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license. Integrity and support projects focus on mitigating specific vulnerabilities through the specific application of equipment or parts (critical surge relief valves, quick response oil repair kits, or security force background vetting) or support activities (training facilities/programs, life support facilities in support of security). The ESF encourages greater private sector economic engagement, counters terrorism, and strengthens justice systems. Agreed to fund and install a Judicial Education and Development Institute (JEDI) on the Central Criminal Court-Iraq (CCC-I) campus in Karkh. Assisted IMCO in beginning clearance of the Iraq-Iran port of entry in Wasit province. ESF addresses needs through a range of activities, including increasing the private sector's role in the economy; assisting in the development of . Protects U.S. national security while promoting balanced investment relationships, fostering sustainable development, and supporting international financial stability to create prosperity and growth in the United States and abroad. ESF programs promote bedrock American values. Corrections assistance helps the Iraqi Corrections Service with developing its capacities to operate a rapidly expanding prison system in a safe, secure, and humane manner that conforms to internationally accepted standards for the treatment of prisoners. Funding in the amount of $190 million supports democracy, human rights, and womens issues in Iraq. Twitter Conducted an in-country assessment of Iraqs political environment. Fiscal Transparency Innovation Fund. Completed a two-month assessment of the date sector and launched work with local date producers to revitalize their productivity. Completed an impact assessment of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs $30 million micro-lending program, evaluating private sector development and job creation. Facilities Hardening (forward operating bases, refineries, power lines, power plants, water stations, and oil terminals): Improving existing critical infrastructure to withstand interdiction attempts and security breaches. In consultation with Multinational Force-Iraq, PRTs, embedded PRTs (ePRTs), and local community leaders, CSP selects neighborhoods and districts for short-term projects that generate significant employment in the provision of essential services and public works. Issued a second call for proposals that generated 46 grant proposals, which are currently under review. Florida's economy is heavily reliant on tourism and the sales tax revenue it generates; therefore, efforts to ensure continuity of tourism activities are paramount. Funded witness protection facilities adjacent to two new courthouses currently under construction at Rusafa and Basrah. Projects conducted this quarter included electrical capacity development training given to engineers, operators, and technicians from the Iraq Ministry of Electricity. April 2008, a. Additional funds could strengthen efforts in fragile contexts where economic instability and hunger cause fragile environments to worsen. A total of approximately 42,550 people were employed or engaged over the quarter. Funding also supports transparent and accountable governance and empowers citizens. The Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) program, a part of the American Rescue Plan, delivers $350 billion to state, local, and Tribal governments across the country to support their response to and recovery from the COVID-19 public health emergency. Awarded a grant for the provision of continuing medical education for specialty physicians in Iraq through direct and tele-medicine training. 0000007348 00000 n View a complete list of available self-service resources. Criminal Justice Development and Rule of Law International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement Funds (INCLE). This is accomplished through job placements, career transition workshops, collaborations with western and regional counterparts, monthly stipends, and science and industry-based development projects. Economics has become the indispensable foreign policy tool of our time. Department Administratively Determined employee. Completed a training series for the Womens Empowerment Program, creating a forum in which women from diverse geographic, ethnic, and religious backgrounds can meet to share information, build relationships with one another, and build their capacities as effective civic organization workers and independent activists. Currently 94 percent of ISP contracts have been awarded or are in the process of being awarded, while three percent are in the feasibility or financial approval phase and three percent remain in the solicitation and bidding phase. Continued an assessment of policies in the KRG that could enhance private sector productivity and competitiveness. These core accounts support development programming across a wide range of priorities, including efforts to promote food securitywhich took on a new urgency following Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Home; Historical Documents. . Marshals Service. 2720 18 USAID, for example, has provided 80 advisors as dedicated advisors to these ministries, including embedded Iraqi professionals. JANUARY 10, 2023 CALL TO ORDER Auditor Kiepke called the first meeting of 2023 of the Davison County Board of Commissioners to order at 9:00 a.m. Members of the Board present were . In collaboration with the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, CSP supports vocational education in skill areas identified through formal and informal market surveys. By continuing to use this website or clicking on the OK, I agree button, you accept our policy on use of cookies in our, Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse & Harassment, Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict, Bureau for Democracy, Development, and Innovation, Global Agriculture and Food Security Program, U.S. International Development Finance Corporation, International Fund for Agricultural Development, McGovern-Dole International Food for Education, The National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, U.S. Centers for Disease Controls Center for Global Health, Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance, Contributions for International Peacekeeping Activities, The ESF supports important development and economic programming in the. Global AIDS Coordinator and Global Health Diplomacy, Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs, Special Representative for Syria Engagement, U.S. Security Coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Office of the U.S. Recruited 18 energy experts to assist the ministries in modernizing their operations by streamlining the budget execution, contracting, and procurement process at the Ministries of Oil and Electricity. IFMIS servers have been moved to the Economic Growth II (EGII) compound where several GOI advisors have temporarily moved to continue work. Facebook The Fund is jointly administered with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in line with the 2020 State-USAID four pillar COVID-19 Recovery Strategy. Roadmap To Repair: A Guide to How Cities Can Acknowledge and Address the History of Harm to Indigenous Peoples, Rebuild Trust, and Repair . Additional funding could enable the U.S. government to better respond to the root causes of conflicts that drive increasing humanitarian need around the world. Exclusion Zones: Creating a protected area to provide security to linear infrastructure such as oil pipelines and electrical transmission lines. Activities include two main elements: specific, immediate support to key ministries through advisors dedicated to the ministry or institution; and training of civil servants at the national and provincial levels to improve approaches to key public administration functions, such as project management, procurement, human resources, and delivering public services; and managing training programs in these areas to sustain this effort. DRL's Human Rights and Democracy Fund (HRDF), which is DRL's allocation of the Economic Support Fund (ESF), is used to fulfill the Bureau's mandate to monitor and promote human rights and democracy worldwide. Cultivation and harvest support activities are ongoing. Developed plans for a landmark documentary film, book, and website covering the heritage, history, and recent past of the Marsh Arabs as well as their current living conditions in the Southern Marshes. Services. CONTACT INFORMATION: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 703-324-2581. Appropriations in the amounts of $55.4 million (FY 2006 base budget), $48 million (FY 2006 supplemental budget), $20.1 million (FY 2007 continuing resolution), and $67.6 million (FY 2007 supplemental appropriation) support critical democracy-building programs as Iraq completes its transition to a permanent, democratically-elected government. Started construction on eleven projects (five with FY 2006 funds and six with FY 2007 funds) with a total contract value of $30.6 million. In addition to supporting many of the activities funded under the Development Assistance account, ESF funds meet near- and long-term political, economic, development, and security needs. Implemented the UN Rapid Response Plan for the provision of assistance to 15,000 returnee families. These projects represent an investment in protecting oil distribution infrastructure and are in various stages of completion, ranging from recently awarded contracts to ninety percent completion. 0000002494 00000 n These efforts include assistance to the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) in the areas of banking supervision, evaluation and enforcement of the reserve requirement, management, data collection, statistical analysis, and information technology management. Trained Iraqi women reporters and helped them to publish in European media by linking them with editorial boards of European media outlets. Beginning in FY 2018, the President's Budget eliminated several accounts including - ESF; DA; Democracy Fund; the Assistance for Europe, Eurasia, and Central Asia; and International Organizations and Programs - and consolidated those activities in . The GOI has also committed to re-establishing the video satellite connectivity. The Office of Electronic Information, Bureau of Public Affairs, manages this site as a portal for information from the U.S. State Department. People-to-People Partnership for Peace Fund 2346e to 2346i. Regarding Events in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Learn More About Commercial and Business Affairs, Learn More About the Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy, Learn More About International Finance and Development, Learn More About Counter Threat Finance and Sanctions, Learn More About Trade Policy and Transportation Affairs. Investments in these programs ensure better worldwide market stability allowing American businesses to thrive and expand their investments. Cuts could undermine efforts in fragile contexts where economic instability and hunger cause fragile environments to worsen. The Community Stabilization Program ($514 million in ESF funding) focuses on reducing the incentives for young men to participate in sectarian violence and insurgent activities in two ways. Carried out a demonstration Summer Feed Grains Project to encourage farmers to produce maize locally that is currently being imported. The committee will develop a vision, goals, and a work plan for the group and devise an outreach strategy that includes non-governmental organizations, local government, and media. Cuts could deepen food insecurity worldwide where. In collaboration with the Iraqi Ministry of Environment, initiated a Radiation Workers Protection Program that will employ Iraqi experts in to developing and implementing radiation safety training the dismantlement of former nuclear facilities. MEMORANDUM FOR THE SECRETARY OF STATE . Economic assistance. CSP implementation often takes place in support of Multinational Force-Iraq (MNF-I) and Iraqi Security Force clear-control-retain operations. The State Department has now fully committed the $350 million in MRA funds appropriated by Congress for the international COVID-19 response. During the quarter the following key projects continue to be executed through the ISP program: The Community Action Program ($149.96 million in ESF funding) builds upon previous community development efforts and further strengthens the links between communities and their governments. Served as technical leader on the development of a new project tracking and accounting software application to be used in provinces across Iraq. Planned efforts span the essential services of electricity, health care, transportation, communication, water, and sanitation. Verified the use of maize to support the local feed grains industry, which had been disrupted in Anbar province by the insurgency. Joint Director Provisional Seniority List Dated:17-05-2022. Read it here:, RT @UnderSecTFI: Money services businesses (MSBs) can be a critical lifeline for our countrys vibrant diaspora communities to support thei, Form 941, employer's quarterly federal tax return, Office of Recovery Programs Self-Service Resources, View a complete list of available self-service resources. Funding levels may not accurately reflect those in the appropriations bills and/or reports due to rounding. a. Infrastructure Capacity Development Training and Technical-Level Management. Supporting the ongoing 1991 Intifada Uprising trial. PRDC funds support smaller-scale provincial-level infrastructure projects using Economic Support Fund monies. 06.08.21. 2722 0 obj<>stream Seventy-four percent of available funds have been obligated. Economic Support Services. U.S. Government Implementing Agencies: Department of State, Bureau of Population,Refugees, and Migration (PRM); and USAID, Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA). Integrity: Security programs that focus on biometrics, identity cards, redundancy and viability in equipment, and other safety equipment necessary to eliminate single points of failure. Historically, the State Department and USAID comprise more than 90%of the U.S. International Affairs Budget. This program began last quarter and is currently implementing eight, year-long grants totaling $905,627. Conducted four workshops for 120 participants from provincial councils and civic organizations from Basrah, Amara, Nassriya, and Samawa on challenges and opportunities for women members of provincial councils. The Fund exclusively supports public-private partnership . Get stock market quotes, personal finance advice, company news and more. Program recipients with questions about reporting, technical issues . As COVID-19 has inflamed instability in already tense political environments, the work supported by the Economic Support Fund will require further investments following the crisis. Payments from the third round continue to go out to Americans across the country. Funding for global health provided to the CDC totals $693 million, an increase of $46 million compared to the FY22 enacted level, but $55 million below the FY23 request. 0000003491 00000 n Adults without children in the home, seniors and people with disabilities may get help through the General Assistance (GA) or Minnesota Supplemental Aid (MSA) programs. Supported an agreement of cooperation between affiliates of Iraqi International Transport Federation (ITF) and those of the Iraqi International Chemical Energy and Mine Workers (ICEM), who together pledged to address problems in the Iraqi energy sector. In the Report accompanying the bill, the table . Funds are provided to partners through grants, cooperative agreements, and other mechanisms to implement programming to support trade and capacity building, strengthen independent judiciaries, protect human rights and freedom of the press, combat human trafficking and corruption, increase public accountability and access to justice, and protect civil society activists and journalists. Description. The GOI has committed to re-licensing all relevant software to confirm Iraqs ownership; restarting the server and instructing all spending units to resume data entry; and confirming that the IFMIS is Iraqs official financial system and that the MoF is responsible for connecting final spending units. %%EOF )7 (!IAA%544H3Jt@+q 6TCY =b8[ac urx &@:)*80@Z Expanded program operations, including adjustments to expansion schedule to accelerate roll-out to Bayji and Tikrit. Most of that aid went toward the Economic Support Fund for Ukraine, at $8.8 billion. The Office of Foreign Assistance is responsible for the supervision and overall strategic direction of foreign assistance programs administered by the U.S. Department of State and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). 0000000016 00000 n Read about the impact of the first six months of the American Rescue Plan programs in the impact report. Department of State Inspector General: $4 million; Notable Programs. As of this writing, CSPs planned expansion is nearly complete. Turned over the completed Secure Document Storage Facility to the IHT. This raised the cumulative number of civil servants trained to 7,360. Supports disaster and emergency relief efforts, including programs that save lives, alleviate suffering, and maintain human dignity. The Economic Support Fund (ESF) account provides economic assistance to advance U.S. political and strategic interests by helping countries meet political, economic, and security needs. Expanded the Baghdad Amanat Training Center, built with LGP support in 2004, and transferred responsibility for the center to the Iraqi government. The Department of State has also used $12.4 million in ERMA funds. For more information, please, An official website of the United States Government, U.S. Department of State and U.S. Agency for International Development FY 2023 Budget Request, Office of the U.S. Section 2207 Report to Congress Part IVEconomic Support Fund 2346. Womens Issues (DRL and the Office of International Womens Issues), Elections (USAID) (includes $2.55 million in ESF), b. This section reports on funds appropriated for Iraq refugee and IDP assistance under the MRA, ERMA, and IDFA accounts, which are separate from refugee assistance funds previously provided under the Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund (see Appendix I). , at $ 8.8 billion ifmis servers have been obligated, 435 trained trainers are their... 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