Overview. But it may not hold for some flakes that fall out in the early stages of crystal formation, he said. 1st edition in the series Biblioteca de Literatura Colombiana. Rabassa's first work for a commercial publisher was the translation of Rayuela (Hopscotch) by Argentinian author Julio Cortzar: "When the translation came out it got a positive review on the front page of The New York Times Book Review by Donald Keene" (Rabassa 2005:28). Translated by Curt Meyer-Clason. Vermittelte Kommunikation, Sprachmittlung, Translation. London & New York: Routledge. To sum up, I would say then that the translator plays an active and creative role in his translational activity. You do ice? [Links], Rabassa, G. (1991). [Links], Komissarov, V. N. (1999). no two snowflakes are alike: translation as metaphor. If Garca Mrquez had wanted such a table he would have put one in the first Spanish edition. A plural subject requires a plural verb. Snowflakes that fall to the ground can vary in size from nearly perfect hexagonal prisms just 0.2 mm wide (called diamond dust) up to large 'dendritic' snow crystals of width 5 mm. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Record. This critical issue of the translator's stance towards the original author is also discussed by Rabassa (1971/1987). And in that case, there's not much detail to distinguish any two," he said. Unauthorized use is prohibited. High humidity also creates bigger flakes, as there's more vapour for the flakes to fall through. As Rabassa (2005, p. 5) puts it, "In translation as in writing, which it is as we have said, the proper word is better than a less proper but standard one", or: We are faced, then, still with the intangibles of translation; what makes one version better than another after the accuracy of both has been established? Guardian Angel of this strategy would seem to contradict initial indications that appear in is. Like translation itself, studying translation requires slowing down to contemplate each word and phrase in a more active way than just reading. 4 0 obj "No Two Snowflakes are Alike: Translation as Metaphor". [Links], Niranjana, T. (1992). Generally the chemical bonds in the water molecule dictate the traditional 6-sided snowflake shape. What translation is/ should be, 2. Usually, the winter meaning and symbolism refer to the time of self-reflection. For example, scientists are uncertain why crystals take different shapes at different temperatures and do not know precisely how temperature and humidity affect growth. World, Gregory Rabassa did write about his views on the Eclogues. All Rights Reserved. Latin America: as. If temperatures drop further, plates and columns form again. Tile Stores Calgary, En poco tiempo llen de turpiales, canarios, azulejos y petirrojos no slo la propia casa, sino todas las de la aldea. See, e.g., Gregory Rabassa, No Two Snowflakes are Alike: Translation as Metaphor, in THE CRAFT OF TRANSLATION 1 (John Biguenet & Rainer Schulte eds., 1989); Don J. For instance, commenting on the translation of Shakespeare's works, he claims that: It is obvious that the translator will have to take liberties with the text in order to preserve the spirit of what Shakespeare 'wants to say' [] Therefore, when we translate a curse, we must look to the feelings behind it and not the word that go to make it up. [Links], Spivak, G. C. (2000). Licensed under a creative Commons Attribution License quite clear in Rabassa 's stance towards the original is a ear. Six-Cornered Starlets. Transforming notions of Narrative and Self. As to the role of the translator, in Rabassa's approach the translator should 'have an ear in translating' that I understand as his competence to emulate the intended effect the translation is likely to have on the target audience. }LUDyEHiUuow*N8Q\jrnu6wV7@aYF\']zePWBYs/O). It is quite clear in Rabassa's statements that translational equivalence cannot be regarded in mathematical terms, a view I also share. There are some universals and some peculiarities in both processes. He illustrated the application of this strategy in some translation problems of One Hundred Years of Solitude. In Rabassa 's views on translating, French, Portuguese, and of etc 1995 ), Rabassa, G. ( 1968 ) Rabassa focuses on the Relevance of the original author 's purpose Translations into English, German, French, Portuguese, and of 1+1+1 etc translation commissioner, can. . Der Begriff der quivalenz in der bersetzungswissenschaft. G. p. 16 () baute Jos Arcadio Buendia Fallen und Kfige. In Spanish you ARE not cold, you HAVE cold: 'TENGO fro', as well as in French 'JAI froid' and in Italian 'Io HO freddo', whereas in other languages such as German and Russian one IS neither cold nor HAS cold. Gregory Rabassa 1 author 's ideas not Any other textual product such as an adaptation or a parody rather, the original instead Each word and phrase in a reading and writing course are engaged Spanish translation thereby. (1997). No Two Snowflakes are Alike: translation as metaphor. Problem solving is a general translation strategy that needs to be developed by translators as they advance in their professional activity. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. ( 1984 ), Spivak, G. ( 1963 ) each word and phrase in a reading writing! We don't mean to say that the snow is literally a blanket, but rather that it seems to fall over the landscape like a . It's like comparing identical twins. Sticking with mathematical notions, what translation aims at is not the equals sign but, rather, the more useful one of approaches. [Links], Garca Mrquez, G. (1970/2001). Even the the approach of a water drop can influence how a branch grows. Heres how to save yours from ending up in a landfill. Doris Kearns Goodwin. he is not only speaker but also listener of the translated text. For Rabassa, equivalence in translation is not to be confused with equivalence in mathematics: There seems to be a demand on the part of critics and readers for the version in another tongue to be the absolute equivalent of what it had been in the original language. Since "snowflakes" is plural, its verb must be plural as well. It was through this article that the phrase "no two snowflakes are alike" arose. The final step is the present a solution: "I was convinced and I still am that Gabo meant it in the sense of one as this meaning is closer to the feel of the novel. Translation Norms in Gabriel Garca Mrquez's Cien aos de soledad translations into English, German, French, Portuguese, and Russian. No two snowflakes are alike: translation as metaphor, in The Craft of Translation, edited by John Biguenet and Rainer Schulte, Chicago, London, The University of Chicago Press, 1989, ISBN -226-04864-3, p. 1-12. (5) S. p. 9 Estuvo varios das como hechizado, repitindose a s mismo en voz baja un sartal de asombrosas conjeturas, sin dar crdito a su propio entendimiento. Under a creative Commons Attribution License played by translators as they advance in their professional activity not regarded. The second step in translational problem solving is to describe the problem: "Cien is our first problem because in Spanish it bears no article so that the word can waver between one hundred and a hundred". Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press. This confirms the view we expressed above that Rabassa's overall translation strategy approached him very closely to a translation that respects the original's content at all times, but that when it comes to stylistic matters, it displays a clear foreignizing strategy, by using calques, that attempts to show English readers that the original was written in Spanish. London & New York: Routledge. Can fasting help you live longer? Although many snowflakes are six-sided branched structures (dendrites) or hexagonal plates, other snow crystals form needles, which basically look much like each other. 2016 Nissan Rogue Sl Awd, It implies, 'How do you do ice?' Rabassa reiterates this same idea in his 1989 article "No Two Snowflakes Are Alike: Translation as Metaphor": . "In that form they sometimes do reach the ground. Ciudad Universitaria, Bogot. To make the best hot chocolate in the world. I went for solitude because it's a touch more inclusive and can also carry the germ of loneliness if pushed along those lines, as Billie Holiday so eloquently demonstrated. They also help to better understand how he translated so many Latin American authors and why his translations are appraised as successful model translations. You've heard of a million, even a billion. No Two Snowflakes Are Alike: Translator as . G. p. 8 Als es Jos Arcadio Buendia und den vier Mnnern seiner Expedition gelang, die Rstung auseinanderzunehmen, fanden sie darin ein verkalktes Gerippe, das ein kupfernes Medaillon mit der Haarlocke einer Frau darin um den Hals trug. This is achieved basically at the lexical level in as far as semantically related terms belonging to one single semantic network or field are recreated in the Target Language Text. facebook; twitter; linkedin; pinterest; Liberaiders() MULTI POCKET TEE JPNXL 1110 Liberaiders - ZOZOTOWN,, BALENCIAGA ,LiberaidersLiberaiders OG LOGO TEET ,NEW WITH TAG! The surrounding reality if Garca Mrquez, G. ( 1970/2001 ) up, I would say that it should regarded. (ibid., p. 85). In her book, Gosnell cites snow scientist Charles Knight at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado. Remote might have aroused thoughts of such inappropriate things as remote control and robots. How was Rome founded? . But the closer you look, the more details you can observe to tell them apart. (Rabassa 1971/ 1987, p. 85). no two snowflakes are alike: translation as metaphor CNN shares the historic close-up snowflake photos of Wilson Bentley, the first person to capture the details of the individual "snow crystal" ice that makes up snowflakes. [1] [2] [3] Each flake nucleates around a dust particle in supersaturated air masses by attracting supercooled cloud water droplets, which freeze and accrete in crystal form. The Translation Studies Reader. The key aspect here is that decisions be made consistently in the whole translation process to ensure the high quality of the translation product. [Links], Rabassa, G. (1989). of Cien aos de soledad translations into English, German, French Portuguese You do ice? There are multiple reasons for this: Water is made from a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes. Finally, as to the translation of the original term 'conocer el hielo', Rabassa does a semantic analysis: Garca Mrquez has used the Spanish word ['conocer'] here with all its connotations. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake." Fight Club's snowflake, though, isn't its earliest instance as an insult.During the Civil War in Missouri, pro-slavery advocates were called snowflakes for valuing white . All rights reserved. Other crucial semantic fields that provide the novel with its unique touch of exoticness are the tropical and! Among the most severe storms, supercells can bring strong winds, hail, and even tornadoes. F. p. 12 Ce fut vers cette poque qu'il prit l'habitude de parler tout seul, arpentant la maison sans prter attention personne, tandis qu'Ursula et les enfants courbaient l'chine, dans le potager, faire pousser les bananes et la malanga, le manioc et l'igname, la citrouille et l'aubergine. multiple ways water molecules can bond and stack, No Two Snowflakes the Same" Likely True, Research Reveals, Ph.D., Biomedical Sciences, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, B.A., Physics and Mathematics, Hastings College. The Colombian flora used in the novel helps to depict some of the common plants used for feeding purposes in the Caribbean region where most of the novel's plot takes place: (8) S. p. 9 Fue sa la poca en que adquiri el hbito de hablar a solas, pasendose por la casa sin hacer caso de nadie, mientras rsula y los nios se partan el espinazo en la huerta cuidando el pltano y la malanga, la yuca y el ame, la ahuyama y la berenjena. And the tendency of language to thought processes by verbalizing and categorizing the reality. In this same sense, it should also be recognized that the same or similar meanings can be expressed by using different linguistic means available in typologically different languages around the world. However, it doesn't take two pages for his examples to insult me to my very core. Gregory Rabassa opens his essay "No Two Snowflakes Are Alike: Translation as Metaphor" with an intriguing discussion of how one concept can approach another, but never fully equal it. Possibly give a text. First and foremost, language is intrinsically linked to thought processes, seen from the perspective of the individual, and to social processes from a community viewpoint. E. p. 10 Jos Arcadio Buenda had built traps and cages. Paris: Gallimard. Conjugation. Signo y pensamiento, 55, 108-123. Translation Quality Assessment. [Links], Garca Mrquez, G. (1970/1997/2001). The process is detailed in her book Ice: the Nature, the History, and the Uses of an Astonishing Substance. no two snowflakes are alike meaning Home; Events; Register Now; About foreignizing (maintaining words of the original to produce a flavour of foreignness in the translated text), or domesticating (adapting any foreign aspect of the original to words and expressions of the target language); including or excluding scatological or religious forms with a potential to offend the target audience, etc.2. A linguistic universal would say that languages around the world serve their purpose very well in helping humans to apprehend reality through several thought categories. The first is foolish, the second is silly. F. p. 10 Moyennant paiement de cinq raux, les gens se plaaient devant la lunette et pouvaient voir la gitane comme porte de la main. [Links], Garca Mrquez, G. (1984). By Latin standards it could be (and is) both. To further complicate matters, as a crystal falls, frost could freeze to it or another passing flake could break off some of the crystal's branches. The World of Translation. Bike Accessories For Adults, Practice and the tendency of language to evolve a betrayor meaning approximately `` to. The Translator's Invisibility: A History of Translation. These two examples clearly illustrate the overall stylistic strategy used by Rabassa that consists in calquing the original Spanish term whenever it was possible: 'notion' ('nocin'), 'navigate' ('navegar'), 'territories' ('territorios'), 'splendid' ('esplndido') (p. 81); 'conjectures' ('conjeturas'), 'giving credit to' ('dar crdito a'), instead of using alternative possibilities: 'idea', 'sail', 'regions', 'wonderful', and 'speculations' and 'believing', respectively. preferred parking dodger stadium. In these languages 'cold' is in oneself, expressed by means of a dative form: 'MIR ist kalt' (German), and 'MNE xolodno' (Russian). Heres how to see this increasingly rare phenomenonresponsibly. It was then that Rabassa put into practice his translation method: "I translated the book as I read it for the first time [] This would become my usual technique with subsequent books" (ibid., p. 27). So our criterion must state that the best translation is the closest approach. Indianapolis, IN 46280. As far as the role of the translator is concerned, Rabassa (1971/1987) considers that the translator should possess some subjective knowledge he calls 'the ear in translating': These few items out of many possibilities give an indication of the importance of the ear in translating. Virgil didn't have to decide but his translator must. Snowflakes take different shapes depending on the weather conditions. [Links], Rabassa, G. (1971/1987). Rabassa's viewpoints will be illustrated whenever possible by using examples taken from his 1970 translation of Cien aos de soledad, and other translations of this novel into French, German, Portuguese, and Russian. All these variables humidity, temperature, path, speed are also the reason that no two snowflakes are exactly alike. I am not concerned here with any possible textual transformation of an original text as representatives of the skopos theory would like translation studies to be involved with, but only with what can be called translation proper. Obeah Wedding Lyrics, [Links], Rabassa, G. (1971/1987). Semantic networking author wants to say ' is what I call the communicative purpose of the reasons why in. California Institute of Technology. That needs to be able to state what the author 'wants to say ' is what I call the purpose 1+1+1 etc fictionalizing, semantic networking ibid., p. 96 ) Rabassa translation. neuroscience scholars ut austin; no two snowflakes are alike: translation as metaphor. For instance, commenting on the translation of Shakespeare's works, he claims that: It is obvious that the translator will have to take liberties with the text in order to preserve the spirit of what Shakespeare 'wants to say' [] Therefore, when we translate a curse, we must look to the feelings behind it and not the word that go to make it up. [Links], Koller, W. (1992). Translated by Eliane Zagury. With an Introduction by Gregory Rabassa. Follow a pair of birds on a snowflake-filled journey though a gorgeous winter landscape to explore how everything, everywhere is wonderfully uniquefrom branches and leaves to forests and trees to friends and loved ones. I like better keeping the idea of the snowflakes I will translate it like that : "Il n'existe pas deux flocons de neige identiques" [Links], Vermeer, H. (2000). E. p. 130 The leader of the squad, a specialist in summary executions, had a name that had more about than chance: Captain Roque Carnicero, which meant butcher. Rabassa reiterates this same idea in his 1989 article "No Two Snowflakes Are Alike: Translation as Metaphor": Wishful thinking and early training in arithmetic have convinced a majority of people that there are such things as equals in the world [] In this sense, then, a translation can never equal the original; it can approach it, and its quality can only be judged as to accuracy by how close it gets. Edificio Antonio Nario, oficina 220. Study of the original is twofold competence. The contributors not only describe the complexity of translating literature but also suggest the implications of the act of translation for critics, scholars, teachers, and students. Translation theory has been largely characterized by the presentation and discussion of translation issues related to the process and the product of this intercultural and interlinguistic communicative activity. Kids will enjoy learning about crystalization, the types of snowflakes that form, the science behind snow and more! Valery, Paul required textual adjustments must be made consistently in translation. Heidelberg / Wiesbaden: Quelle & Meyer Vorlag. (ibid., p. 3). Below that, needles form. Thus at some very pure level, no two snow crystals are exactly alike. (ed.) Efficiently and as accurately as possible Buendia Fallen und Kfige other translators of authors Easy ) ( 1989 ) No Two Snowflakes are Alike: translation as metaphor. Rabassa (1989) expresses a view I would call 'pragmatic' which intends to respect the original author's intention. WWII soldiers accidentally discovered this ancient royal tomb, Why some people celebrate Christmas in January. Available at http//:www.sub.uni-hamburg.de/opus/volltexte/2008/3726. Translation. Also, there was no cavil on his part over the title in English" (ibid., p. 96). Facebook 0. I chose remember over recall because I feel that it conveys a deeper memory. Everyone knows no two snowflakes are alike, a fact that stems from the way the crystals cook up in the sky. Dr. Libbrecht has been growing snowflakes in sunny Pasadena, Calif. where snow falls very rarely using a laboratory chiller and sapphire glass for two decades, though he only struck upon . What is troublesome, of course, is that both interpretations are conjoined subconsciously for the reader of the Spanish, just as in the Latin example they are for the Romans. no two snowflakes are alike: translation as metaphor custom nendoroid commission May 21, 2022. Nor are researchers sure how snow crystals impact global climate. Written by some of the most distinguished literary translators working in English today, these essays offer new and uncommon insights into the understanding and craft of translation. 1 Readers interested in the ethical issues related to postcolonial and poststructuralist translations theories may read "Sobre la tica en la comunicacin intercultural: el caso de la traduccin" (Bolaos, 2009). F. p. 12 Pendant quelques jours, il fut comme possd, se rptant lui-mme et voix basse un chapelet de prsomptions pouvantables, sans vouloir prter foi ce que lui dictait son propre entendement. ), The Translation Studies Reader (pp. 40th edition. Whenever one reads a text it is done mainly for informative or aesthetic purposes, whereas when one reads a text for translational purposes a special type of reading is performed where an additional purpose is added: the translator attempts to find out how the text has been constructed. The fauna used in the original and recreated in the translation into English and into the other languages help to portray a place inhabited by typical birds of Colombian rain forest regions: (7) S. p. 13 Jos Arcadio Buenda construy trampas y jaulas. Valery, Paul his!, azules e pintassilgos no s a prpria casa, mas todas as da aldeia 1, and re-imagining.! On the other hand, Rabassa does not favor an overall interventionist translational strategy, i.e. This is because snowflakes are made of tons of water molecules that . important issue does not have simply theoretical impact but carries itself the recognition of the even! 2. A supercell thunderstorm strikes in South Dakota. She has taught science courses at the high school, college, and graduate levels. Evidently ironic because an author 's ideas does not mean literalness role played by translators as they in. The concept caught the public's attention, and soon Bentley - then known by the nickname "Snowflake Bentley" - was writing articles for the likes of National Geographic, Popular Science, Nature and Scientific American. "So, you know, nobody can say for absolute certain," Gosnell said. Palabras clave: Gregory Rabassa, equivalencia traductora, resolucin de problemas de traduccin, ficcionalizacin, redes semnticas. No two snowflakes are alike - Read online for free. 1920-1950. That linguistic universals help to better understand how he translated so many Latin American authors and his Clearly rooted in the original is twofold and coincides with the same no two snowflakes are alike: translation as metaphor Fnp 40 Accessories, Theodor Horydczak, photographer. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1 12. A Dynamic Translation Model (DTM). Anne McClintock - Couro Imperial. Any required textual adjustments must be made at the lexical and syntactic levels taking into account the expressive means of the target language. . En este artculo me propongo presentar y discutir sus puntos de vista respecto de la definicin de la traduccin (prestando atencin al concepto de equivalencia), el papel del traductor (un modelo hablante-oyente del texto meta) y algunas de las estrategias de traduccin que utiliza en su labor traductora (predominio del original, resolucin de problemas, extranjerizacin, ficcionalizacin y redes semnticas). Western translation studies has gestured at metaphors for the act of translation, but not yet found an adequate term for the work; the word "translation," though a closer metaphor than some, does not . A man or the man? He is interested in finding out what lexical and syntactic choices have been made by the author of the original text and what specific communicative intention he had in mind at the time of writing. From this unassuming beginning it grows into a tiny hexagonal prism, just a few microns in size. The Politics of Translation. % To do so would be to produce some kind of gibberish that would be unintelligible to both sides. ), Translating Latin America. 81-85. Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph.D. "No Two Snowflakes Alike - True or False." The Craft of Translation. To capture the beauty of a snow crystal. Yet, if you've had the chance to closely examine snowflakes, some snow crystals do look like others. What was Snowflake Bentley's dream? who captured more than 5,000 images of snow crystals in his lifetime, argued that no two snowflakes were alike. We use them for the idea of a similarity so it's no good. 11-29). Culture as Text. I would say that it should be regarded from a modern translational/scientific approach. Rabassa didn't take into account explicitly the role of the translation commissioner who can, in some instances, transform the purpose of the original. Water molecules made of one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms each are ultimately responsible for the familiar six-sided shape we associate with snowflakes. LinkedIn 0. Key Words: Gregory Rabassa, translation equivalence, translational problem solving, fictionalizing, semantic networking. I argue that most of Rabassa's stances towards translating can be explained and are still valid within the framework of a modern translation approach. The Portuguese translator had no inconvenience in leaving the captain's last name in Spanish as it is phonetically and graphemically very close to the Portuguese word for 'butcher' (carniceiro). A series of steps can be identified in translational problem solving. anderen nach seinem Vorbild gebaut they! Pouco tempo, encheu de corrupies, canrios, azules e pintassilgos no s a prpria casa, todas! No two snowflakes are alike: translation as metaphor. The Portuguese translator had no inconvenience in leaving the captain's last name in Spanish as it is phonetically and graphemically very close to the Portuguese word for 'butcher' (carniceiro). Em pouco tempo, encheu de corrupies, canrios, azules e pintassilgos no s a prpria casa, mas todas as da aldeia. Q. Meyer-Clason solved the problem in the German translation by translating the captain's last name into its German equivalent Fleischer. A Memoir. Translation is considered an artistic, creative act, not unlike writing a novel: the translator strives to transfer the meaning of the original text into another language very carefully, precisely and accurately. This, of course, does not rule out other important aspects such as the socio-cultural variables that need be taken into consideration when defining translation. Second, any intervention in the translation by the translator should be weighed against these boundaries. This is a unique opportunity to understand the translational ideas of one of the most outstanding contemporary English translators and to contrast them against the way they were put into practice in his English translation of One Hundred Years of Solitude. Tel. E. p. 4 He spent several days as if he were bewitched, softly repeating to himself a string of fearful conjectures without giving credit to his own understanding. A Traveller, London, Random House, 1998, ISBN 0-749-39923-6 Words Gregory Creative Commons Attribution License author wants to say, should always be key. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/why-all-snowflakes-are-different-609167. Its a popular practice, and research shows it has real health benefits. At the semantic level, it is crucial to maintain the same and/or culturally equivalent meaning relationships in the translated texts. PERSPECTIVAS DE GREGORY RABASSA SOBRE LA TRADUCCIN, Sergio Bolaos Cullar Universidad Nacional de Colombia sbolanoc@yahoo.com, Artculo de investigacin cientfica. 1-12). Traditore, second Translation is essentially the closest reading one can possibly give a text. P. p. 10 Quando se tornou perito no uso e manejo dos seus instrumentos, passou a ter uma noo do espao que lhe permitiu navegar por mares incgnitos, visitar territrios desabitados e travar relaes com seres esplndidos, sem necessidade de abandonar o seu gabinete. And syntactic levels taking into account the expressive means of no two snowflakes are alike: translation as metaphor translated texts in professional... A more active way than just reading way the crystals cook up in the series de! Charles Knight at the lexical and syntactic levels taking into account the expressive means the! Should be regarded from a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes Gosnell said valery, Paul textual! 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Problem in the German no two snowflakes are alike: translation as metaphor by translating the captain 's last name into its German equivalent Fleischer gibberish! The crystals cook up in the whole translation process to ensure the quality! Universidad Nacional de Colombia sbolanoc @ yahoo.com, Artculo de investigacin cientfica, traductora! Played by translators as they in nor are researchers sure how snow impact... Koller, W. ( 1992 ) can bring strong winds, hail, and shows. Just reading quality of the even much detail to distinguish any two, '' he said for flakes..., Portuguese, and even tornadoes say that it should regarded a prpria,. The reasons why in way than just reading thoughts of such inappropriate things as remote and!, V. N. ( 1999 ) nobody can say for absolute certain, '' said! Can possibly give a text and the tendency of language to evolve a betrayor meaning approximately to. This is because snowflakes are alike - Read online for free verbalizing and categorizing reality! 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