(b) If the notice and order are not served on the respondent in time for the full hearing, the issuing court shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the superior court to extend the temporary protection order. You are responsible for providing all relevant information to the court in support of your petition, and Consent cannot be freely given when a person does not have capacity due to disability, intoxication, or age. Rape is recognized as the most underreported crime; estimates suggest that only one in seven rapes is reported to authorities. Notice must be received by the petitioner 105 calendar days before the date the order expires. When the department has reason to believe a vulnerable adult lacks the ability or capacity to consent, the department, in its discretion, may seek relief on behalf of the vulnerable adult. (a) In a proceeding under this chapter where the petitioner seeks to protect a minor and the petitioner is not the minor's parent as defined by RCW, (b) Every order entered in any proceeding under this chapter where the petitioner is not a parent of the minor or minors protected by the order must contain a finding that the federal Indian child welfare act or chapter. The state of Washington to . (2) Before granting an order under this chapter directing residential placement of a child or restraining or limiting a party's contact with his or her child, the court shall consult the judicial information system, if available, to determine the pendency of other proceedings involving the residential placement of any child of the parties for whom residential placement has been requested. Repealed by 2021 c 215 170, effective (b) The court clerk may create a community resource list of crisis intervention, behavioral health, interpreter, counseling, and other relevant resources serving the county in which the court is located. (7) When a hearing is conducted through telephone, video, or other electronic means, the court must make appropriate arrangements to permit interpreters to serve the parties and the court as needed. Petitioners and respondents should not incur additional charges for electronic submission for petitions and documents filed pursuant to this section. In instances of abuse of a vulnerable adult who is unable to express or demonstrate physical harm, pain, or mental anguish, the abuse is presumed to cause physical harm, pain, or mental anguish. The order must remain in each system for the period stated in the order, and the law enforcement agency shall only expunge orders from the systems that have expired or terminated. The superior courts have jurisdiction over extreme risk protection order proceedings under this chapter. (6) If the court continues a hearing for any reason, the court shall reissue any temporary orders, including orders to surrender and prohibit weapons, issued with or without notice. (h) The interest of the public in the pending civil and criminal litigation. Both amendments are incorporated in the publication of this section under RCW, (2) This section was amended by 2022 c 231 9 and by 2022 c 268 17, each without reference to the other. Domestic violence should not be minimized or dismissed based on any mental health diagnoses of the perpetrator or the victim. (3) At the time of surrender, a law enforcement officer taking possession of a firearm or concealed pistol license shall issue a receipt identifying all firearms that have been surrendered and provide a copy of the receipt to the respondent. (3) Nothing in this section changes the requirement for the order to be entered into, and maintained in, computer-based systems as required in RCW. (3) The information entered into the computer-based criminal intelligence information system must include notice to law enforcement whether the order was personally served, served by electronic means, served by publication, or served by mail. If you have not done so already, you must surrender to the (insert name of local law enforcement agency) all firearms in your custody, control, or possession, and any concealed pistol license issued to you under RCW, (2) When the court issues an extreme risk protection order, the court shall inform the respondent that the respondent is entitled to request termination of the order in the manner prescribed by RCW. (4) If an order entered by the court recites that the respondent appeared before the court, either in person or remotely, the necessity for further service is waived and proof of service of that order is not necessary, including in cases where the respondent leaves the hearing before a final ruling is issued or signed. (c) Determine the significant non-English-speaking or limited English-speaking populations in the state. A petitioner who has been sexually assaulted or stalked by an intimate partner or a family or household member should, but is not required to, seek a domestic violence protection order, rather than a sexual assault protection order or a stalking protection order. (1)(a) By January 1, 2023, county clerks on behalf of all superior courts and, by January 1, 2026, all courts of limited jurisdiction, must permit petitions for protection orders and all other filings in connection with the petition to be submitted as preferred by the petitioner either: (i) In person; (ii) remotely through an electronic submission process; or (iii) by mail for persons who are incarcerated or who are otherwise unable to file in person or remotely through an electronic system. If any party has provided such notification to the court, the court shall not dismiss or grant the petition, but shall reset the hearing by continuing it and reissuing any temporary order in place. (8) "Dating relationship" means a social relationship of a romantic nature. (5) If a person other than the respondent claims title to any firearms surrendered pursuant to this section, and that person is determined by the law enforcement agency to be the lawful owner of the firearm, the firearm must be returned to that person, provided that: (a) The firearm is removed from the respondent's custody, control, or possession, and the lawful owner provides written verification to the court regarding how the lawful owner will safely store the firearm in a manner such that the respondent does not have access to, or control of, the firearm for the duration of the order; (b) The court advises the lawful owner of the penalty for failure to do so; and. The petition must also identify information the petitioner is able to provide about the firearms, such as the number, types, and locations of any firearms the petitioner believes to be in the respondent's current ownership, possession, custody, access, or control. (1) The administrative office of the courts, through the gender and justice commission of the Washington state supreme court, and with the support of the Washington state women's commission, shall work with representatives of superior, district, and municipal court judicial officers, court clerks, and administrators, including those with experience in protection order proceedings, as well as advocates and practitioners with expertise in each type of protection order, and others with relevant expertise, to consider and develop recommendations regarding: (a) Uses of technology to reduce administrative burdens in protection order proceedings; (b) Improving access to unrepresented parties in protection order proceedings, including promoting access for pro bono attorneys for remote protection order proceedings, in consultation with the Washington state bar association; (c) Developing best practices for courts when there are civil protection order and criminal proceedings that concern the same alleged conduct; (d) Developing best practices in data collection and sharing, including demographic information, in order to promote research and study on protection orders and transparency of protection order data for the public, in partnership with the Washington state center for court research, the Washington state institute for public policy, the University of Washington, and the urban Indian health institute; (e) Developing best practices, including proposed training and necessary forms, in partnership with the Washington tribal state court consortium, to address how: (i) Washington state court judges of all levels can see the existence of, and parties to, tribal court, military, and other jurisdiction protection orders, in comity with similar state court orders; (ii) Tribal courts can enter their protection orders into the judicial information system used by courts to check for conflicting orders and history; and. Certain findings and information in orders. (a) Physical harm, bodily injury, assault, or the infliction of fear of physical harm, bodily injury, or assault; nonconsensual sexual conduct or nonconsensual sexual penetration; coercive control; unlawful harassment; or stalking of one intimate partner by another intimate partner; or. (q) Restrain the respondent from committing acts of abandonment, abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation against a vulnerable adult; (r) Require an accounting by the respondent of the disposition of the vulnerable adult's income or other resources; (s) Restrain the transfer of either the respondent's or vulnerable adult's property, or both, for a specified period not exceeding 90 days; (t) Order financial relief and restrain the transfer of jointly owned assets; (u) Restrain the respondent from possessing or distributing intimate images, as defined in RCW. This section was amended by 2022 c 231 8 and by 2022 c 268 1, each without reference to the other. (g) Assessing how the civil protection order law can more effectively address the type of abuse known as "coercive control" so that survivors can seek earlier protective intervention before abuse further escalates. (4) The court nearest to the petitioner's residence or former residence under subsection (3) of this section. Minors are presumed to be unable to pay. Reissuance of temporary protection orders. HTML PDF: 7.105.065: Jurisdiction (6) The legislature finds that advances in technology have made it increasingly possible to file petitions, effect service of process, and conduct hearings in protection order proceedings through more efficient and accessible means, while upholding constitutional due process requirements. (1) In considering whether to issue a temporary extreme risk protection order, the court shall consider all relevant evidence, including the evidence described in RCW. Jurisdiction Domestic violence protection orders and sexual assault protection orders. Jurisdiction Stalking protection orders. Jurisdiction Antiharassment protection orders. Jurisdiction Vulnerable adult protection orders. Jurisdiction Extreme risk protection orders. Venue. Personal jurisdiction over nonresidents. A petitioner who has been stalked by an intimate partner or a family or household member should, but is not required to, seek a domestic violence protection order, rather than a stalking protection order. A minor respondent shall not be served at the minor respondent's school unless no other address for service is known. HTML PDF: 9A.46.055: Court-initiated stalking no-contact orders. (D) Whether the parties had legal representation or legal advocates in the protection order proceedings. (6) If the court declines to issue a temporary extreme risk protection order, the court shall state the particular reasons for the court's denial. The vulnerable adult shall not be held responsible for any violations of the order by the respondent. (6)(a) "Course of conduct" means a pattern of conduct composed of a series of acts over a period of time, however short, evidencing a continuity of purpose. (5) Hearings may be conducted upon the information provided in the sworn petition, live testimony of the parties should they choose to testify, and any additional sworn declarations. In considering the request, the court may consider the rebuttable presumption against delay and the purpose of this chapter to provide victims quick and effective relief. . "Physical restraint" does not include (a) briefly holding, without undue force, a vulnerable adult in order to calm or comfort him or her, or (b) holding a vulnerable adult's hand to safely escort him or her from one area to another. The court may order that a petitioner be granted the exclusive custody or control of any pet owned, possessed, leased, kept, or held by the petitioner, respondent, or minor child residing with either the petitioner or respondent, and may prohibit the respondent from interfering with the petitioner's efforts to obtain the pet. Upon receiving notice pursuant to this subsection, a law enforcement agency must: (A) Provide the court with a complete list of firearms surrendered by the respondent or otherwise belonging to the respondent that are in the possession of the law enforcement agency; and. (7) The court shall not dismiss, over the objection of a petitioner, a petition for a protection order or a motion to renew a protection order based on the inability of law enforcement or the petitioner to serve the respondent, unless the court determines that all available methods of service have been attempted unsuccessfully or are not possible. This notice may be provided at the time the parent, guardian, or conservator of the respondent appears in court or may be served along with a copy of the order, whichever occurs first. The instructions and standard petition must include a means for the petitioner to identify, with only lay knowledge, the firearms the respondent may own, possess, receive, have access to, or have in the respondent's custody or control. The Public Records Act (PRA) allows public agencies to notify affected persons of a public records request (often called third-party notice.) See RCW 42.56.540 and RCW 42.56.520 (2). (2) Washington state has enacted six different types of civil protection orders: (a) Domestic violence protection orders, adopted by the legislature in 1984; (b) vulnerable adult protection orders, adopted by the legislature in 1986; (c) antiharassment protection orders, adopted by the legislature in 1987; (d) sexual assault protection orders, adopted by the legislature in 2006; (e) stalking protection orders, adopted by the legislature in 2013; and (f) extreme risk protection orders, enacted by a vote of the people through Initiative Measure No. (f) Every year, over 100,000 persons in our country are victims of gunshot wounds and 38,000 individuals lose their lives from gun violence. The summons must contain the date of the first publication, and shall require the respondent upon whom service by publication is desired to appear and answer the petition on the date set for the hearing. 7.92.150 Protection orders-Service to respondent-Service by publication. (2) Any order issued under this section must contain the date, time of issuance, and expiration date. These include using approaches such as online filing of petitions, electronic service of protection orders, and video and telephonic hearings to maintain and improve access to the courts. If the respondent has moved from that county or municipality and personal service is not required, the law enforcement agency specified in the order may serve the order; (2) Service of an order issued under this chapter must take precedence over the service of other documents by law enforcement unless they are of a similar emergency nature; (3) Where personal service is required, the first attempt at service must occur within 24 hours of receiving the order from the court whenever practicable, but not more than five days after receiving the order. (32) "Sexual conduct" means any of the following: (a) Any intentional or knowing touching or fondling of the genitals, anus, or breasts, directly or indirectly, including through clothing; (b) Any intentional or knowing display of the genitals, anus, or breasts for the purposes of arousal or sexual gratification of the respondent; (c) Any intentional or knowing touching or fondling of the genitals, anus, or breasts, directly or indirectly, including through clothing, that the petitioner is forced to perform by another person or the respondent; (d) Any forced display of the petitioner's genitals, anus, or breasts for the purposes of arousal or sexual gratification of the respondent or others; (e) Any intentional or knowing touching of the clothed or unclothed body of a child under the age of 16, if done for the purpose of sexual gratification or arousal of the respondent or others; or. Forty-five percent of domestic violence homicides occur within 90 days of a recent separation, while 75 percent occur within the first six months of separation. (v) In proceedings involving domestic violence where coercive control is part of the harm alleged: (A) The frequency of conflicting protection orders, cross-petitions (where each party files a petition against the other), or realigned orders (where the court finds that the original petitioner is the abuser and the original respondent is the victim); (B) Enforcement of protection order violations; (C) Other legal proceedings involving either party, such as family, dependency, or criminal matters; and. (a)(i) Except as provided in (a)(iii) and (b)(i) of this subsection, personal service, consistent with court rules for civil proceedings, is required in: (A) Cases requiring the surrender of firearms, such as extreme risk protection orders and protection orders with orders to surrender and prohibit weapons; (B) cases that involve transferring the custody of a child or children from the respondent to the petitioner; (C) cases involving vacating the respondent from the parties' shared residence; (D) cases involving a respondent who is incarcerated; and (E) cases where a petition for a vulnerable adult protection order is filed by someone other than the vulnerable adult. Definitions. (1) The gender and justice commission, through its E2SHB 1320 stakeholder work groups, and in consultation with the Washington state center for court research, shall include in their 2022 work consideration of a study regarding how the inclusion of coercive control under chapter 268, Laws of 2022 helps to further realize the legislative intent of the law to increase safety for victims by obtaining effective legal protection apart from, or in addition to, the criminal legal system. (3) The gender and justice commission shall provide a brief report of its recommendations to the legislature for subsection (1)(e) through (g) of this section by December 1, 2021, and, for subsection (1)(a) through (d) of this section, provide recommendations to the courts by July 1, 2022. If the petitioner has not disclosed an address under this subsection, the petitioner shall designate an alternative address or email address at which the respondent may serve the petitioner. . (6) The protection order petition must contain a section where the petitioner, regardless of petition type, may request specific relief provided for in RCW. (c) For extreme risk protection orders, the court shall also provide a parent, guardian, or conservator of the respondent with written notice of the legal obligation to safely secure any firearm on the premises and the potential for criminal prosecution if a prohibited person were to obtain access to any firearm. (7) Appearances required under this section are mandatory and cannot be waived. (c) Obtaining or using a vulnerable adult's property, income, resources, or trust funds without lawful authority, by a person or entity who knows or clearly should know that the vulnerable adult lacks the capacity to consent to the release or use of the vulnerable adult's property, income, resources, or trust funds. (4) The petitioner and the respondent must disclose the existence of any other litigation or of any other restraining, protection, or no-contact orders between the parties, to the extent that such information is known by the petitioner and the respondent. Courts should evaluate the needs and procedures best suited to individual hearings based on consideration of the totality of the circumstances, including disparities that may be apparent in the parties' resources and representation by counsel. (b) Either the prosecuting attorney's office or city attorney's office, or both, from the relevant jurisdiction may designate an advocate or a staff person from their office who is not an attorney to appear on behalf of their office. If a temporary protection order is reissued and the court permits service by mail or by publication, the court shall reset the hearing date not later than 30 days from the date of the order authorizing such service. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as encouraging that practice. If the court declines a request to include one or more of the petitioner's family or household member who is a minor or a vulnerable adult in the order, the court shall state the reasons for that denial in writing. In considering the request, the court should consider the rebuttable presumption against delay and the purpose of this chapter to provide victims quick and effective relief. Upon receipt of the order, the law enforcement agency shall promptly remove the order from any computer-based system in which it was entered pursuant to subsection (2) of this section. In such a case, the district shall provide transportation at no cost to the respondent if the respondent's parent or legal guardian is unable to pay for transportation. The publication of summons must not be made until the court orders service by publication under this section. LoginAsk is here to help you access Utah Watercraft Registration quickly and handle each specific case you encounter. (14) The Indian child welfare act applies in the following manner. HTML PDF: 9A.46.060: Crimes included in harassment. (2) Sections 19, 21, 24, and 34, chapter 215, Laws of 2021 take effect March 31, 2022." These alternatives can help make protection order processes more accessible, effective, timely, and procedurally just, particularly in situations where there are emergent risks. (1) An extreme risk protection order issued after notice and a hearing must include: (a) A statement of the grounds supporting the issuance of the order; (d) Whether a behavioral health evaluation of the respondent is required; (e) The address of the court in which any responsive pleading should be filed; (g) The following statement: "To the subject of this protection order: This order will last until the date and time noted above. The court may take judicial notice of a parallel criminal proceeding for the related conduct involving the same parties, including whether the defendant in that action waived speedy trial. (g) The respondent no longer lives near the petitioner. "; (b) Develop and distribute instructions and informational brochures regarding protection orders and a court staff handbook on the protection order process, which shall be made available online to view and download at no cost. (c) "Personal exploitation" means an act of forcing, compelling, or exerting undue influence over a vulnerable adult causing the vulnerable adult to act in a way that is inconsistent with relevant past behavior, or causing the vulnerable adult to perform services for the benefit of another. (1) Whether or not the petitioner has retained an attorney, a sexual assault or domestic violence advocate, as defined in RCW. (ii) Acts that prevent or obstruct a person from meeting with others, such as telling a prospective visitor or caller that the person is not present or does not wish contact, where the statement is contrary to the express wishes of the person. (b) A person is guilty of a class C felony for a violation under (a) of this subsection if the person has two or more previous convictions for violating an order issued under this chapter. The summons must be signed by the petitioner. This occurs when an accused enters a store or business The order shall also state whether the court issued the protection order following personal service, service by electronic means, service by mail, or service by publication, and whether the court has approved service by mail or publication of an order issued under this section. "Mental abuse" may include ridiculing, yelling, swearing, or withholding or tampering with prescribed medications or their dosage. When requested, there shall be a rebuttable presumption to include the petitioner's minor children as protected parties in the ex parte temporary domestic violence protection order until the full hearing to reduce the risk of harm to children during periods of heightened risk, unless there is good cause not to include the minor children. Materials available to persons appearing remotely should include warnings not to state their addresses or telephone numbers at the hearing, and that they should ensure that background surroundings do not reveal their location; (g) Courts should provide the parties, in orders setting the hearing, with a telephone number and an email address for the court, which the parties may use to inform the court if they have been unable to appear remotely for a hearing. Washington state studies have found that domestic violence is the most predictive of future violent crime by the perpetrator. Jurisdiction Domestic violence protection orders, sexual assault protection orders, stalking protection orders, and antiharassment protection orders. Protection Orders At any time, a stalking victim can ask the courts for a protection order . The petitioner may petition for an antiharassment protection order on behalf of: (2) With the exception of vulnerable adult protection orders, a person under 18 years of age who is 15 years of age or older may seek relief under this chapter as a petitioner and is not required to seek relief through a petition filed on his or her behalf. English-Speaking populations in the state other address for service is known submission for petitions and documents filed pursuant to section. Is reported to authorities was amended by 2022 c 231 8 and 2022... 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