Steve mentioned to Pete that he and his family have seen thylacines on his farm on occasions. The Tasmanian tiger is still extinct. He phoned the national parks service, a local wildlife carer and some time later, the North Coast Local ABC radio station while I was broadcasting my Wildlife Talkback programme. We failed to find any other prints hereabouts, yet it is very likely that these mystery marsupial carnivores will return to the area at some stage. Two adults and a juvenile. A Tasmanian tiger enthusiast has claimed to have captured photographic evidence of the extinct animal and possible "proof" of breeding. Uru Publications. He said it was walking beside the cane field, and then turned and went into the cane. With all due respect I disagree with Nick Mooneys opinion and thats fine - thats perfectly OK - and he encourages me in his report to get as many opinions as I can because his is only one opinion, Mr Waters says in the new video. Eight alleged sightings of the Tasmanian tiger in the wilderness have been reported to the state government over the past three years. It was observed from head on and it loped off, almost kangaroo-like with a very unusual movement. "On the 25th January 1982, about 10pm, Mr Darryl Morris and his wife Carrol were driving to Mount Riverview. My daughter became frightened, as she said she thought it was a feral dog, and yet it did not look like any dog she had ever seen. Later, back in Canberra, I came across an illustration of the Tasmanian Tiger, and immediately recognised it as the animal I had observed on my trip. Later, above the gully, during a detailed search for more evidence we came across tracks of a full-grown animal, an apparent female, beside which were the smaller tracks of a young cub. READ MORE: What can prove Tassie tigers are alive. ", "That month Mr Ron Perry was picnicking with his family in the valley around 3pm one day on the bank of the Cox River Picnic Ground. They were seen shortly after by a motorist driving on Hawkesbury Road through Winmalee about 9pm, when they crossed the road to be caught in his headlights.". ", "February 2006, Tyalgum; Donna lives at Tyalgum and saw an unusual animal that ran through their paddock on dusk at great speed. They include international dog and cat show judges, vets and wildlife experts, most of them choosing to stay anonymous. The tail went downward toward the ground, said John. Source:Cronshaw, Damon. "The same type of animal was seen killing a sheep in Megalong Valley in January 1987. Over the years we have kept the location of the swamp and gully a closely guarded secret, to give these marsupials an opportunity to increase their numbers, and keep away unwanted human interference. Denis Millar, 49, of North Tumbulgum near the NSW-Queensland border, said yesterday he saw the mysterious animal on a neighbour's property. It never stopped and kept a constant pace. I could tell by its fur. It was about 5ft [1.53m] in length from head to tail, whichwas stiff with no point. It had a rigid tail. The road is long and straight. Source: Gilroy, Rex. This time it was coming down the slope from the right, jumped down the bank onto the road & continued down the slope as if it regularly used the same animal track. It was about 18 inches tall at the shoulders, 4ft in length from head to tail, and it had short body hair of light sandy colour, with a row of dark stripes arranged along the body beginning at the shoulders to the rump of the tail. These tracks were at least several hours old. Anonymous. The coat was like a newly sheared sheep in looka short, uniform length, fawn to light brown, and very dense, not laying flat like a dog or cat or even horse coat. '", "While these are recorded, there is no evidence to confirm the thylacine still exists.". Both animals disappeared within seconds into the rainforest.". Please note that I have taken the liberty of quoting liberally from all sources. The Tasmanian Tiger is to Australia what Sasquatch is to North Americaa creature that has often been sighted but never actually corralled, by deluded amateurs. We live in Upper Wilsons Creek and our property backs onto Mt Jerusalem National Park. Robyn was driving near the Club House just before entering Cliff Drive, where a two-storied,shingle-roofed house stands amid pine trees, on the corner opposite the golf course and beside asecond house, when in the headlights glare they both saw a Thylacine moving slowly across the roadfrom the Club House towards two houses. Register, Join the conversation, you are commenting as Logout. ", "During September 1983, I organised a major search for evidence of living Thylacines in the Wollongambie Wilderness, east of Lithgow. It had a very unusual manner of walking quite unlike a dog. He and his friend were quite close to the base of the mountain when they passed an odd looking animal. ", "15th February 2006, Hastings Point; Rose described a strange dog-like animal that she saw while driving to work in the morning. It appeared to bound away using its front and hind legs in unison reminding me of a wild boar in full flight but with much smoother and longer strides. The time was 11.25pm, when, just past the houses and oval, Mike clearly saw a Thylacine [there was, he said, no mistaking the body stripes and other features] running onto the road from left to right ahead of his car, illuminated by his headlights. Century-old footage of the last known Tasmanian tiger in captivity has been brought to life by colourisation, offering a tantalising glimpse of the now-extinct creature. Is the Tasmanian Tiger (Thylacinus) extinct on the Australian mainland? These were only half-an-hour old and led deep into dense forest. Nearby we found a pile of day-old excrement containing pig bristles and crushed pig bone. I was already out of breath as I entered the trees, and soon realised the animal had given me the slip, so I walked back to the car. Following this animal were 3 smaller identical animals. So from that experience I do believe they are still knocking around.". The last Tasmanian tiger is believed to have died in captivity in 1936, but sightings like the ones released from Tasmania have persisted for years, with most of the sightings coming from spotters . The animal can reach up to 1.3 meters (51 inches) long, with its tail accounting for between 19-25 inches of that total (Campbell). ", "The Wollangambe Wilderness is a truly wild and remote region, situated north of the Grose Valley and north of the Bell-Bilpin Road. It is obvious a colony of six to eight of these creatures exists in the gully. It was not afraid of me but backed away whenever I approached closer than 2-3 m. The tail was the least dog-like feature. Before leaving they went for a walk along the rivers edge on a bush track. Source: Anonymous. This included comprehensive surveys along the west coast of Tasmania, investigations of sightings, installation of automatic camera stations, and the creation of an expeditionary research team. It occured roughly 30km from the first, some twenty years earlier. Reading your article (Walkabout, June) on the thylacine recalled a sighting made while driving with two companions on the unfrequented road between Adelong and Tumbarumba, N.S.W. This animal's head was dog-like, but its ears were shaped somewhat like a cat's. The difference, of course, is that Sasquatch is entirely mythical, while the Tasmanian Tiger was a real marsupial that only went extinct about a hundred years ago. A short time later a bakery representative from the Gold Coast also saw the animal & commented to Sue about it.". It looked just like that". It ran off into the vegetation adjacent the road.". Yet how did the animal get where it was seen? Its tail was long and straight, resembling that of a kangaroo or wallaby. *It had strong powerful hind legs*smaller front legs*A long stiff tail that pointed straight out. I know it's a Thylacine," Richardson said. "(The department) occasionally receives reports of thylacine sightings," the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment said in a statement. My friend who was with me describes it as follows, it looked like a kangaroo but it walked rather than hopped. However, a more important discovery was just around the corner for us. While they were reported to prey on poultry and sheep, this behaviour is now believed to be largely exaggerated it was also very unlikely to attack humans. The impressions had been made early that morning." In 1978 one friday I had done a days work, come home packed the car, driven 60 km into the Barringtons, set up camp, drank 2 cans of beer, it was on the darker side of dusk when i went to have a close look at a tree just out side the head light beam of my car when I heard a noise, I turned my head and about 4 feet (1.3 m) from me in the light beam of my car a tasie tiger walked past me.". She said she saw a mutant dog. I was driving south about 20 min into a 9 hr drive home to Melbourne when a 'thing' with the strangest walk/run burst from the scrub straight across the road, in front of me & a White landcruiser ute travelling the other way. He stated it had a tail like a roo, but not touching the ground. The wild population of the large carnivorous . Then it just loped off the road into the yard, Robyn noticed the tail itself was 2ft [61 cm] in length. The narrator says the Tasmanian tiger is a "dangerous opponent" who is no longer able to live in its natural habitat. It walked, going from tree to tree, looking up into the trees. The farm owner yelled out Its a monster, we will have to kill it and picking up a stone, threw it at the strange animal. ", Source:, "If it was what I believe it was, this was not to be my only encounter with a creature of this description, for on Christmas Eve 1983, I was walking in bush near Govetts Leap with my son, David and his wife Kay in afternoon light, when we all spotted the same type of animal moving through bushes. The dog rushed in to attack the animal & Mark, the farm owner and several other workers were surprised to see the dog backing out of the shed with an animal almost as large covered with brown stripes across its back and a thick, stiff, kangaroo-like tail. John was adamant that they were not foxes, dogs or dingos all of which he is very familiar with after spending 20 years at Lakes Entrance in eastern Victoria. ", "16th November, 1997, Sunday, 7-30 a.m. at Lennox Head; between Seven Mile Beach and Lake Ainsworth, near Camp Drew, Paul and his partner observed from their car, only 1 metre away, a dog-sized animal with black stripes down its back and rump with one stripe across the base of the tail.