Because you know theyre not really scary creatures theyre just kids dressed up in costumes so they can get candy. As part of our due diligence as inspectors, we must examine. Use this formal appreciation letter to say thank you to employees in a formal manner by sending them a thank you note. The only way you will learn to work the oracle is through diligent work in your daily life. Explore the various types of conditional sentences and review a few examples of each. If you did not read the book and just tried to write the report based off of internet searches or things you made up, you would not be doing your due diligence. Simply put, doing what is expected of you and taking precautions in any given situation is doing your due diligence. Here are a few examples: Technically, due diligence has a slightly more specific meaning in business. The agricultural labourer has preserved the uprightness, diligence and sobriety which characterize the Turkish peasant; but the richer inhabitants of the cities are grossly sensual. 10 Professional Ways to Say Day-to-Day Work, Gos or Goes or Gos? As a group of experienced English writers, we enjoy sharing our knowledge in a language that everyone is able to understand. It means the world to me. (13) that doing emotional due diligence. People who like to can food at home must be diligent about using sterile equipment and following U.S. Department of Agriculture canning guidelines. Really, full due diligence is just being cautious and safe. Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. " Thank you for your cooperation and for your diligence in the process of our file. thanks to him we lost the match. For the diligent gardener, using organic products reaps benefits of a safer environment so it is worth the extra effort. It is an issue in respect of which retailers must remain diligent. He was diligent in the cure of souls, labouring hard and successfully for the conversion of the numerous Gnostic communities and other heretical sects which still maintained a footing within the diocese. 6. Thank you for your diligence. Though Hobbes claims to have performed his work " with much more diligence than elegance," his version is remarkable as a piece of English writing, but is by no means accurate. Coach, thanks for your time. By being diligent and doing your homework, you'll make sure that the insurance costs of having a teen driver in your household won't be a huge financial burden. Ludwig is the first sentence search engine that helps you write better English by giving you contextualized examples taken from reliable sources. Thank you for your hard work. By signing in, you agree to our Terms and Conditions You guys are the best. Plunket showed amazing diligence in furthering the cause of his Church. Thank you for your consideration. Poetry was to them a mechanical art that could be learned by diligent application, and the prizes they had to bestow were the rewards of ingenuity, not of genius or inspiration. You are so creativeI always love getting your perspective on things. 5 tips for thanking someone for their hard work. By failing to perform due diligence before making a purchase, you might end up regretting your choice. . Thanks for the support that you have shown towards our company. While most sellers are diligent about communicating any flaws in their items, occasionally some details are missed. The phrase "due diligence" has a wide variety of meanings depending on how it is used. 1. Thank you for your diligence in a sentence. Finding the best price on Nintendo Wii may take some diligent research online and offline. In Everett's life and career was a combination of the results of diligent training, unflinching industry, delicate literary tastes and unequalled acquaintance with modern international politics. But, even the most diligent public relations expert can't tell a star what to name his/her child. You not only need to practice due diligence when you are considering investing, but this diligence needs to be ongoing. . Nevertheless he fulfilled all his episcopal duties with diligence, and threw all his heart into the performance of those of a specially spiritual nature, such as his addresses at confirmations and to those on whom he conferred orders. It also means to go through public documents and files related to a company and engaging in conversations with people in the industry who have adequate knowledge of the company and its performance. As a judge Sir Matthew Hale discharged his duties with resolute independence and careful diligence. (2) Thank you for making me feel better. You can also use the phrase "due diligence" when you are conducting a comprehensive assessment of a company to value the company's commercial worth. Not a single effort of yours will go in vain. 6. Bonaventura (1221-1274) was a diligent student of the Victorines, and in his Itinerarium mentis ad Deum maps. Thanks! While it wouldnt be technically incorrect to say this, there are many better ways to say the same thing that would sound far more natural. We do not expect the process of learning words and phrases to be very smooth and easy. (5) Thank you for all of your kindness. Here he continued to prosecute his scientific researches and his multifarious studies with unabated diligence. The success of this team is a testament to your hard work, and I say thank you very much for that. This is why the writer of Hebrews tells us . Upon this matter there has been, it is true, some diversity of opinion among modern scholars, but it is now generally admitted, and can be abundantly shown, that he was not only diligent in gathering material, but also far more thorough-going than most writers of antiquity in discriminating between trustworthy and untrustworthy reports, frank in acknowledging his ignorance, scrupulous in indicating his authorities in doubtful cases, less credulous than most of his contemporaries, and unfailingly honest. The reason you need to consider security is to show you were reasonably diligent in protecting the environment in which your records exist. This initial extensive due diligence is now satisfactorily completed. To be honest, it was really a great experience working with you. The lawyer did all of the necessary due diligence to prepare a case before the trial. You can fix some issues easily enough, but do take due diligence when trying any of these techniques. French. The Max Tour is almost impossible and it will take much diligence on your part to complete the game 100%. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. It takes a great person like you to make an organization great. (11) His success attest his diligence. I hope you enjoyed this collection of thank you for your hard work and dedication quotes that are perfect for giving thanks. Unless you have already finished your duties for the day, be willing to sacrifice enjoyment for the meantime. The remarkably definite and original style formed by Mantegna may be traced out as founded on the study of the antique in Squarcione's atelier, followed by a diligent application of principles of work exemplified by Paolo Uccello and Donatello, with the practical guidance and example of Jacopo Bellini in the sequel. The assurance you have to use a word or phrase well is how good your understanding of the word is. There was a unanimous agreement by the jury that the lawyer had done his. The really diligent student in one of the crowded hives of Cambridge College is as solitary as a dervish in the desert. You can usually find some wonderful deals if you are diligent enough to click on enough links. But this difficulty was soon removed by the pupil's diligence; the very exigencies of his situation were of service to him in calling forth all his powers, and he studied the language with such success that at the close of his five years' exile he declares that he " spontaneously thought " in French rather than in English, and that it had become more familiar to " ear, tongue and pen.". There are some great alternatives available to replace "thank you for your cooperation.". Well done. The new landlord succeeded because he surveyed the landlord's requirements before putting up his apartment for rent. Writing a thank-you note to an individual who served as the president of an organization is a thoughtful way to acknowledge his years of service. I want you to know that I really appreciate your efforts. In the English dialects of Kent, Essex and Norfolk there is a common change of v to w, but Ellis says (English Pronunciation, V, pp. Actually, he was sure it was too late by the end of the first dark she spent in that house but was determined to give it due diligence and go up there after it, since he had weeks with the boat and no better plan. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. You played a major role behind our success. I have never seen a hard working person like you before. Unfortunately, furniture is not something that can be put away, so it will require more diligence on your part to correct the behavior and help your dog make that mental connection. Trick or treat! yella ghost, a vampire, and a werewolf. Until Bishop Stubbs found it necessary to devote all his time to his episcopal duties, he pursued historical study with unremitting diligence. You have proven yourself to be a very skilled individual who has the capacity to do great things with their life. I want to receive exclusive email updates from YourDictionary. An example would be: Jude failed to carry out due diligence in making efforts to avoid accidents. They do not represent the opinions of Of course, feel free to customize this formal thank you letter and adapt your thank you note to employees to suit your own needs! He was a diligent student of Shakespeare, and his last literary work was On the Received Text of Shakespeare's Dramatic Writings and its Improvement (1862). Slow and steady makes it to the top! His popularity as a preacher was deservedly pre-eminent; but no more diligent student ever shut himself up with his books. sentence for "diligence". For instance, you could use a different word besides "do," such as "perform" or "conduct.". Regards. The organization's managers are expected to perform due diligence to protect their employees and the resources of their organization. Thats pretty specific. Je veux simplement vous remercier pour votre zle aujourd'hui. "If" one thing happens, "then" another thing will happen. Gibbon vouches for his learning, when (in the 47th chapter) he speaks of "this incomparable guide, whose bigotry is overbalanced by the merits of erudition, diligence, veracity and scrupulous minuteness.". It simply means that one thing is required for something else to occur or exist. When used as verbs, perform and conduct are synonyms of one another. Coleridge was a diligent student and a warm admirer of Jeremy Taylor, whom he regarded as one of the great masters of English style. Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. 6. Looking both ways first is due diligence. There is nothing wrong with either choice. Privacy Policy. In the meantime Chalmers applied himself with great diligence and assiduity to the investigation of the history and establishment of the English colonies in North America; and enjoying free access to the state papers and other documents preserved among what were then termed the plantation records, he became possessed of much important information. He was largely instrumental in the inauguration of the House of Laymen in the province of Canterbury (1886); he made diligent inquiries as to the internal order of the sisterhoods of which he was visitor; from 1884 onwards he gave regular Bible readings for ladies in Lambeth Palace chapel. However, with a bit of diligence, the transactions will become a seamless part of your successful online store. You have to be diligent about monitoring him for accidents when he's free to roam the house, and you have to be just as diligent about taking him outside on a regular schedule. When someone shows appreciation or gives a compliment, they are in that moment showing their vulnerability. A lawyer referring to the process of investigating a potential merger/investment might say:. His exemplary diligence and unusual mathematical capacity were soon noticed. Difference Explained (+18 Examples), 6 Good Synonyms For Conducted Research (Complete Guide), In Efforts To vs. In An Effort To Difference & Meaning Explained. When making decisions about making large purchases, such as a car or home, it is important to practice due diligence. Even the most diligent parent or caretaker can find it hard to keep their child from becoming infected. Nothing else is known of his doings 1 The translation, under the title Eight Books of the Peloponnesian War, written by Thucydides the son of Olorus, interpreted with faith and diligence immediately out of the Greek by Thomas Hobbes, secretary to the late Earl of Devonshire, appeared in 1628 (or 1629), after the death of the earl, to whom touching reference is made in the dedication. Whereupon certain theologians (themselves perhaps the authors of it) took occasion to complain of me to the prince and the magistrates; moreover, the stupid Cartesians, because they are commonly supposed to side with me, desiring to free themselves from that suspicion, were diligent without ceasing in their execrations of my doctrines and writings, and are as diligent still.". A formal, brief letter of gratitude adds extra value to the professional relationship between the business partners or a client and a vendor and it ensures the trust between the two. Responding with grace gives positive feedback to the person that their moment of vulnerability is acknowledged and rewa. Im glad that a position opened up for you that is a great next step in your career. ( Funny ways to say "Thanks for the Happy Birthday Wish") Not sure if I should send a thank-you email, or not bother you with another email. You can also use the phrase "due diligence" when you are conducting a comprehensive assessment of a company to value the company's commercial worth. Its a pleasure to work with someone who knows how to make a friendly and inspiring work environment. I appreciate you [favor details]; let me know if you need help with [project details] Thank you for volunteering. We all knew this work would not have been possible without you. "You bring high energy and a commitment to everything that you do. I appreciate your hard work! The foundational understanding of the phrase "due diligence" is the origin and the meaning. To see examples of how the word diligence can be used in a sentence, take a . Thank you for your attention. Applying the treatment incorrectly could yield disastrous results, so you have to be especially diligent in choosing your stylist. Thank you for your diligence, Detective Battle. You will be rewarded for your pain. The phrase "due diligence" is used when exercising proper attention and care to avoid committing an offense through ignorance. Copyright 2022 -, Lorry Vs. Truck: Meaning And How To Use Each One, Turnip Vs. Radish: Meaning And Differences Of These Words. Thanks for [action performed] today. After being frustrated for several years with my son, I kicked him out for his recklessness as soon as he reached the legal age. I wish you many years of great achievements. Thanks once again for working hard. In his casuistical works he was a diligent compiler, whose avowed design was to take a middle course between the two current extremes of severity and laxity. But the admonition was unheeded, for while unweariedly diligent in business, he was in his intervals of leisure a most assiduous student. I would thank you for your cooperation on this matter. The diligent company weathered the quartz craze of the 1970s to emerge weakened but alive and even more committed to its principal mission of superior quality and affordability. Both the prosecuting and defense attorneys need to perform due diligence before the case is tried in the courtroom. Use due diligence in a sentence. His diligent investigations into the efficiency of various illuminants in differing circumstances, and into the best conditions for developing their several maximum powers of brilliancy, while greatly improving the usefulness of the line of beacons along the extensive coast of the United States, effected at the same time a great economy of administration. Miss 'E ' carried out a due diligence exercise on the assets of the business and prepared an initial draft balance sheet. Les clients ont t plus rapides ou plus efficaces que l'employ? Some examples from the web: "I thank you for your diligence in this matter. His diligent attendance at the Royal Library attracted the attention of the keeper of the manuscripts, the Abbe Sallier, whose influence procured for him a small salary as student of the oriental languages. Care and diligence is taken in the kitchen, so each bit of meat and fish when combined with a mere half a spoonful of rice is equal to one mouthful. Examples of due diligence in a sentence, how to use it. Conditional sentences describe a conditional situation, or a result that depends on an event occurring first. Keep it up. You are the brain behind the company's most recent success. He made a diligent inquiry; so, how do I refuse the labor? The successive publication of Tables for the Purchasing and Renewing of Leases (1802), of The Doctrine of Interest and Annuities (1808), and The Doctrine of Life-Annuities and Assurances (1810), earned him a high reputation as a writer on life-contingencies; he amassed a fortune through diligence and integrity and retired from business in 1825, to devote himself wholly to astronomy. Finding the best price on Nintendo Wii may take some diligent research online and offline inspectors we... Just being cautious and safe Stubbs found it necessary to devote all his time to episcopal! Must be diligent about using sterile equipment and following U.S. Department of Agriculture canning guidelines of you taking..., a vampire, and a commitment to everything that you do about making large purchases, such as preacher... Assets of the Victorines, and i say thank you note soon noticed a friendly and work! To can food at home must be diligent about communicating any flaws their. 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